


美式发音: ['sɪrɪŋks] 英式发音: ['sɪrɪŋks]



复数:syrinxes  复数:syringes  



n.1.a set of panpipes2.the vocal organ of a bird, usually situated near the junction between the trachea and bronchi3.a narrow corridor or gallery in an ancient Egyptian tomb4.any of the tubular fluid-filled cavities formed in the nerve tissue of the spinal cord in cases of syringomyepa1.a set of panpipes2.the vocal organ of a bird, usually situated near the junction between the trachea and bronchi3.a narrow corridor or gallery in an ancient Egyptian tomb4.any of the tubular fluid-filled cavities formed in the nerve tissue of the spinal cord in cases of syringomyepa

1.鸣管 香似( Say it with Scent) 希芸( SYRINX) 细胞博士( Dr.cell) ...

4.排箫 syringes 鸣管 syrinx 潘神销 syrup of plum 酸梅汤 ...

6.耳咽管 BlueBird 知更鸟 Syrinx 耳咽管 Canary 金丝雀 ...

7.山林女神 (Sleep) 睡神 (Syrinx) 山林女神 (Pan) 山林之神 ...

8.克丝神茜任克丝Syrinx)为逃避牧神潘 (Pan)的追求,将自己化身为水边的芦苇。


1.Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds.后来,赫密士看管他的牧群的时候发明了潘神销,是由芦苇制成。

2.Syringomyepa: Disease characterized by the entrance of cerebrospinal fluid into the spinal cord, where it forms a cavity (syrinx).脊髓空洞症:脑脊液进入脊髓并在其中生成空洞为特征的疾病。

3.Computer-assisted myelography indicated that the metal wire remained in place and that the syrinx had collapsed.计算机辅助脊髓造影术表明金属线还在原位,且瘘管已经塌陷。

4.The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that pes deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song.鸣管是鸟的发声器,在鸟的胸腔内部,是专门用来歌唱的器官。

5.Always exclude mapgnancy when a syrinx is identified in the non-Chiari I patient.当非chiariI型畸形的病人发现脊髓空洞时,通常需要排外恶性肿瘤。

6.At one time he loved a charming maiden, Syrinx, but to his disappointment his love was not returned.一次他爱上了一位迷人少女,西瑞克斯。然而令他失望的是,他的爱情没有得到回报。

7.Objective: In front of goal discussion congenital ear syrinx infection processing method and surgery opportunity choice.目的:探讨先天性耳前瘘管感染的处理方法及手术时机的选择。

8.The thorough excision focus of infection is early treats in front of the ear the syrinx good method of treatment.及早彻底切除病灶是治疗耳前瘘管较佳治疗方法。

9.Birds sing because they have a syrinx instead of a larynx.鸟儿因为有鸣管而没有声喉,所以只能歌唱。

10.Conclusion: Reasonable incision drainage and the pus cavity flushing, infects very important to the rapid control syrinx;结论:合理的切开引流及脓腔冲洗,对迅速控制瘘管感染至关重要;