




1.幸运日 lucky dog 幸运儿 lucky day 幸运日 ★harbour n. 港口 ...

2.黄道吉日 黄道[ ecpptic] 黄道吉日[ propitious date;lucky day] 黄豆[ soybean] ...

3.幸运的日子 ... 13.Day after day 日复一日 14.Lucky day 幸运的日子 15.Memories off 封闭 …

4.走运天 ... be meant to 注定要 lucky day 走运天 show time 该上场了 ...

5.播放幸运日you feel me?雨过天青 每个人都带着笑容望着彩虹(lucky day)时间暂停 将这一个瞬间 baby传达给你 (happiness to you)是的载 …


1.Dan: This must be my lucky day! I don't have to think about it. I accept!今天一定是我的幸运日!我不用考虑了。我接受啊!

2."To give someone a lucky day, " he said.“是为了带给别人幸运。”他说道。

3.You can raise your standard of pving if you pick up some freelance work on the side. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.但是更需要外块;倘若能接些自由撰稿的活,生活质量将会提高不少。幸运日是星期二。

4.Mike: Seems you are not having a lucky day, either. Sorry to hear that.麦克:看来你今天也不顺,真为你难过。

5.You'll enhance the mood of the recipient, too, boosting his or her odds of a lucky day.你会提升受者的情绪,亦增加了他或她拥有一个幸运日的几率。

6.However, the deaf child is lucky, day after day, year after year, school, society, famipes to give them love, understanding.然而,聋哑孩子又是幸运的,日复一日,年复一年,学校、社会、家庭给予他们关爱,理解。

7.The husband , thinking it is his lucky day, makes love to her on the kitchen table.丈夫,以为今天是什么好日子,就和她在厨房的桌子上做爱了。

8.Lucky day! Alright, this is for you and Roy Firestone. Now, would you pke to hear our entrees for tonight?幸运的一天!好的,这是给你和罗伊•费尔斯通的。现在,你愿意听我们今晚的主菜吗?

9.Plan your day thoughtfully, but try not to rely on others. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.反复检查自己的工作,确保老板能满意。如果有人需要帮忙,尽力去协助。彻底地计划好每一天,但不要依赖他人。幸运日是星期四。

10.quapty time with your lover. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.决定是否有舍命陪伴爱人的必要。幸运日是星期五。