




1.卢日尼基体育场凌晨) 对阵双方:莫斯科中央陆军 曼联 比赛地点:卢日尼基球场Luzhniki Stadium) ...

3.卢赤尼奇球场cow State University)图书馆及卢日尼基体育馆Luzhniki Stadium)等建筑。

5.卢兹尼克球场 凯尔特人 Celtic Park 莫斯科斯巴达 Luzhniki Stadium 巴萨 Camp Nou ...


1.Later he tweeted that Luzhniki stadium, where the speech was held, "is better used for playing hockey" .后来他又在Twitter上表示,发表相关演讲的地点卢日尼基体育场(LuzhnikiStadium),“还是用来打冰球更好一些。”

2.The gigantic Luzhniki Stadium nearby also went black, as did the skyscraping Ukraina Hotel downtown.附近的卢日尼基大体育场和位于市中心的高层建筑乌克兰酒店也熄灭了灯光。

3.The Serbian centre-back says victory in the Luzhniki Stadium would be the best way to celebrate turning 28.塞尔维亚中卫说在鲁日尼基球场取胜将是庆祝自己28岁生日的最好礼物。

4.Only Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium is currently fit for the task.目前,只有莫斯科的卢日尼奇体育场符合世界杯的要求。

5."Russia consists not only of government bureaucrats, not only of those who have a pass to Luzhniki stadium, " the article read.“俄罗斯不仅有政府官僚,不仅有能拿到卢日尼基体育场入场券的那些人,”文章说道。

6.31 at 1 pm local time, one called "Swallow" private small yacht in the Luzhniki Stadium after the colpsion with the barge sank.当地时间31日凌晨1时许,一艘名为“燕子”的私人小型游艇在卢日尼基体育场附近与一艘驳船相撞后沉没。