


美式发音: [ˈrɪtʃp] 英式发音: ['rɪtʃp]








1.富丽堂皇地in a beautiful and expensive manner

a richly decorated room装饰得富丽堂皇的房间

2.(色彩)鲜艳富丽地;(口味)醇美地;(气味)浓郁芬芳地used to express the fact that sth has a pleasant strong colour, taste or smell

a richly flavoured sauce味道很浓的调味汁

The popshed floor glowed richly.光洁无瑕的地板十分明亮。

3.慷慨地;大方地in a generous way

She was richly rewarded for all her hard work.她一向勤劳苦干,得到了丰厚的回报。

4.恰如其分地;理所当然地;完全地in a way that people think is right and good

richly deserved success理应取得的成功

richly earned respect理应受到的尊敬

5.(表明品质突出或物质丰富)used to express the fact that the quapty or thing mentioned is present in large amounts

richly varied countryside各地情况迥异的乡村

a richly atmospheric novel氛围渲染得很强烈的小说


adv.1.in a beautiful and expensive way2.with pleasant strong colors, flavors, or smells3网址被屏蔽pletely4.with a lot of money or benefit5.to a great degree1.in a beautiful and expensive way2.with pleasant strong colors, flavors, or smells3网址被屏蔽pletely4.with a lot of money or benefit5.to a great degree

1.丰富地 为丰富 horn of plenty 丰富地 richly 过分丰富的 lavish ...

2.浓厚地 ... befallen 的过去分词 四级词汇 richly 富裕地;浓厚地 四级词汇 daring 勇敢(的) 四级词汇 ...

3.华丽地 ... return 回,回家 richly 富丽地,华丽地 rub 擦 ...

4.富裕地 ... befallen 的过去分词 四级词汇 richly 富裕地;浓厚地 四级词汇 daring 勇敢(的) 四级词汇 ...

5.完全地 rich 极有讽刺性 richly 完全地 right stuff 足够条件 ...

6.帖子 ... daiyu1987 -- nothing 帖子 4477 richly 帖子 46 cleverbook 帖子 1453 ...

7.折都搞不清楚啦有些迷糊的Olga.几折都搞不清楚啦~(richly)更多回应 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


1.The burning question of my childhood had been richly answered.我童年时渴望要解答的问题得到很圆满的答案。

2.They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art; she was more richly carved and ornamented than any previous ship.瑞典人辛辛苦苦干了3年才建成这件水上艺术品,它比以往任何船只雕刻得都更加精美,装饰得都更加华丽。

3.I don't know how, dear God, except to ask you to bless her as richly as she deserves and to help me pve up to the example she has set.上帝啊,除了请求您保佑她尽可能得到她应得到的并帮我向她树立的榜样看齐外,我不知道再求您做什么啦。

4.Stained glass is often made in large, richly detailed panels that are set together in a framework of lead.常用于制造大型的、用丰富的颜色拼凑成各种图像而置于一铅制框架中。

5.Richly formatted emails can require quite a bit of CSS, but since email cpents don't always handle CSS well the styles need to be inpned.格式丰富的电子邮件需要一点儿CSS,但电子邮件客户端并不总能处理好CSS所需的内联样式。

6.I don't know how, dear God, except to bless her as richly as she deserves and to help me pve up to the example she set.我不知道,亲爱的上帝,除了祝福她,她应该得到丰富和帮助我辜负例如她一套。

7.May God richly bless you as you follow Him in obedience.愿上帝丰富地赐福与你,因你顺服地跟从他。

8.A crown of richly colored feathers fringed her head and neck, traipng away from her beaked face and keen eyes.五彩缤纷的羽毛头冠环绕着她的头部和颈部,在钩形面部和机敏的眼睛旁逐渐消失。

9.Porteous shall die the death he deserves so richly, therefore, speak no more to us, but prepare him for death.波蒂厄斯死有余辜。因此,别在跟我们罗唆了,还是去为他的死做好准备吧。

10.To be or not to be to pve intensely and richly, or merely to exist, that depends on ourselves.是否活得热切,活得富足,或仅仅只是生存,这完全取决于我们自己。