




1.石蒜:红色彼岸花,无尽的爱情,死亡的前兆,地狱的召唤 曼珠沙华(Lycoris radiata) 别名(红花石蒜、龙爪花、老鸦蒜 、蟑螂花、平 …

5.石蒜属 ... Ilpcium henryi 八角属 Lycoris radiata 石蒜属 Trifopum pratense 车轴草属 ...

6.石蒜花留意著足下的当儿,寻找著金阳洒落的痕迹,一支支石蒜花Lycoris radiata)(图10)倏地伸展腰杆,像极了红灯笼般地替游 …


1.Microsporgenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte in Lycoris radiata Herb .石蒜小孢子发生与雄配子体形成。

2.Dynamic Variation of Endogenous Polyamines Contents in Bulbs of Lycoris radiata During the Florescence石蒜花期前后鳞茎内源多胺含量的动态变化

3.Post-Microwave-Irradiated Reflux Extraction of Lycorine, Lycoramine and Galanthamine from Lycoris Radiata微波辐射溶剂回流法提取石蒜中石蒜碱、力可拉敏和加兰他敏

4.Transgenic Tobacco Expressing Lycoris radiata Agglutinin Showed Enhanced Resistance to Aphids转石蒜凝集素基因烟草的抗蚜虫性

5.Effects of different phytohormone combinations on bulblet induction and bulb-tip regeneration of Lycoris radiata不同激素配比对红花石蒜小鳞茎及茎尖的分化培养的影响

6.Effects of Plant Regulators on Physiological and Biochemistry Characters of Lycoris radiata几种植物生长调节剂对石蒜生理生化特性的影响

7.Karyotypes of six populations of Lycoris radiata and discovery of the tetraploid六个石蒜居群的核型及四倍体石蒜的发现

8.Microdissection and PCR Amppfication of Single Chromosome of Lycoris radiata石蒜单染色体的显微分离及体外扩增

9.Biological Characteristics and Annual Nutrient Variation in the Corm of Lycoris radiata石蒜球茎生物学性状及营养成分年变化规律

10.The Extraction Technique of Polysaccharide from Lycoris Radiata石蒜中多糖提取工艺