




1.电池容量电池容量(mAh) 2020mAh 电池类型 锂离子电池随机配件 锂电池,充电器,耳机,数据线,说明书,保修卡 [1] 专业的自拍摄像 …

2.毫安时比毫安时(mAH)大一级的单位是安时(AH),是蓄电池的容量的单位.如1000mah就是以1000ma放电可放电一小时。|评论 求助知友…

3.马来酸酐马来酸酐(MAH)水解成聚马来酸酐( HPMA)为桔黄色粘稠液体,相对密度为1.2(20℃),平均分子量约600,酸性,能电离…

4.毫安小时电池容量的单位是毫安小时(mAh),如果标示为2000mAh,其代表的意义是这颗电池以2000mA的电流来放电,总共可以放电一 …



1.She calls mah-jongg a superficial, frivolous game, and was a bit taken aback to hear her own 29-year-old daughter, Amy, had taken it up.她称麻将是一种肤浅的、无聊的游戏,听到自己29岁的女儿阿波拉菲尔(AmyAbolafia)开始学打麻将的时候有点吃惊。

2.' We joke that by the time we are old enough to go on mah-jongg cruises , we 'll clean up because we started young, ' she said .她说,那个时候我们开玩笑说,等我们老到在游船上打麻将的时候,我们就发财了,因为我们从很年轻的时候就开始了。

3.Reading tabloids, playing mah-jong or striving to be a learned man, the choice pes with you.看小报呢,还是打麻将呢,还是努力做一个学者呢?全靠你们自己的选择!

4.Under standard usage Chris was easily able to get a full day's use from the 1130 mAh battery and still had a fair amount of juice left.根据使用标准,1130毫安时的电池可以使用一整天,而且还会有剩余的电量。

5.In-situ grafting MAH can be considered as a potential way of increasing the interfacial compatibipty between plastic blends and wood flour.原位接枝MAH可被看作是一种改善木粉与塑料混合物间界面相容性的有效途径。

6.She also said he had affairs with a number of women and demanded a total of 500, 000 yuan from Mr. Lan to finance mah-jongg games and trips.她还说,袁善腊跟多名女子有染,并从兰世立那里索要共计50万元的款项用于打麻将和旅游。

7.People playing mah-jong or sleeping on a cot in the street was the antithesis of the individuapstic societies we had come from.人们在街边打麻将或在躺椅上睡觉,这与我们所生活的个体化社会截然不同。

8.Dehydration owing to our patient's low fluid intake during Mah-Jong playing might have increased the blood viscosity further.由于患者玩麻将过程中低液体摄入导致的脱水可能导致血浆粘度进一步升高。

9.The article studied that maleic anhydride(MAH) grafted polypropylene(PP) in one pair of screw extruder.在双螺杆挤出机上研制马来酸酐(MAH)接枝的聚丙烯(PP)。

10.When buying a battery make sure they are rechargeable, have high mAh (energy capacity), and can output at least an amp at any time.要买可充电的那种,有高mAh(能量的容量),能在任何时候至少可以输出1安培。