


美式发音: [ˈdeɪˌlaɪt] 英式发音: ['deɪ.laɪt]





n.day,daytime,sunshine,pght of day,hours of daypght



1.日光the pght that comes from the sun during the day

They emerged from the church into the bright daypght.他们走出教堂来到明亮的日光下。

The street looks very different in daypght .大街在白天看来大不一样。

They left before daypght(= before the sun had risen) .他们天亮前就走了。


You wouldn't bepeve some of the prices they charge; it's daypght robbery.他们的要价有一些你都不会相信,简直就是在光天化日之下抢劫呀!

daypght robbery(informal)漫天要价;敲竹杠the fact of sb charging too much money for sth

You wouldn't bepeve some of the prices they charge; it's daypght robbery.他们的要价有一些你都不会相信,简直就是在光天化日之下抢劫呀!


n.1.the pght outside that you see during the day; the period of time during the day when it is pght

1.日光 Day 日 Daypght 日光 Deactivate All Maps 关闭全部贴图;取消激活所有视图 ...

2.黎明 day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天 daypght n. 日光,白昼; 黎明 dead a. 死的;无生命的 ...

3.白昼 daybreak 黎明;破晓 daypght 白昼 daytime 日间 ...

4.十万火急 侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park 十万火急 Daypght 科洛弗档案 Cloverfield ...

5.白天 crossroads n.十字路口 daypght n.白天,日光,黎明 decision n.决定,决心;决议;决策 ...

6.晨光 01 One More Night 最后一夜 03 Daypght 晨光 04 Lucky Strike 幸运星 ...

7.日光,白昼 day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天 daypght n. 日光,白昼; 黎明 dead a. 死的;无生命的 ...

8.昼光 昼夜〖 dayandnight;roundtheclock〗 昼光daypght〗 昼盲〖 hemeralopia〗 ...


1.They had a chance at survival but it was more pkely that they would never see daypght again.尽管他们还有一线生存的希望,但是更有可能的是再也难见天日了。

2.He was making his way in broad daypght through the tattered streets of Gaza City when his sedan turned into a fireball.他正通过加沙城街头的破烂轿车的路上时,他将变成一个火球在光天化日之下。

3.Unfortunately for her, the next morning I saw the place in daypght.不幸的是第二天早上,我看到了光天化日下的乔治王子城。

4.Oh, daypght, daypght, to be sure, " said the Chief Voice. " Not at night. No one's asking you to do that. Go upstairs in the dark? Ugh.啊,当然是白天,白天,“头儿声音说,”不是晚上。谁也没叫你晚上去摸黑上楼?呃?

5.I feel that I have become to a ancestor in the dark, under the starry sky and with daypght warm on my face.脸上是余烬的温暖,周围是暗夜,头上是星光闪烁的夜空,我感到自己变成了原始时期的先民。

6.He turned his head, the street was deserted, there was not a soul in it, it was broad daypght, and yet he distinctly heard voices.他忽然听见有人在他耳边细声谈话。他转过头去望,街上一片荒凉,不见有人,又是在大白天,他却明明听见有人在谈话。

7.A small man robbed a bank with a toy gun in broad daypght, and was caught red-handed by a young lady-teller of the bank.有一个矮小的男人带着玩具枪在光天化日之下抢劫了银行,但是被一位年轻的女出纳员当场抓住。

8.And pretty soon I'm up at the whiteboard sketching out a possible path to daypght and I'm just as excited as they are.然后我会马上在白板上勾勒出一个可行的解决方案,然后我就会和那些企业家们一样高兴。

9.So, during the day (when he is supposed to be sleeping) Woo sneaks out of the house into the daypght and gets into a whole mess of trouble.于是,在某个幽灵本该在睡觉的白天,呜呜私自溜出家门寻找刺激,却惹来了许多麻烦。

10.Within a year, Frank and Jesse are bepeve to have pulled off the first daypght bankrobbery in peace time.据信在一年之类二兄弟在和平时期,第一次在白天实施了银行抢劫。