




1.主要问题缺陷希望利用超音波筛检出胎儿构造异常。有时超音波会发现一些重大缺陷Major Defects),代表染色体异常或某种疾病,可 …

3.严重缺陷 致命缺陷: Critical defects; 严重缺陷Major defects; 轻微缺陷: Minor defects; ...

4.主要缺失 MAJOR DEFECTS主要缺失) MINOR DEFECTS( 次要缺失) ...

5.重要缺陷 ... Minor defects 普通瑕疵,中类 Major defects 次要瑕疵,大类 Super major defects 主要瑕疵,特大类 ...

7.主缺陷 ... MAJOR DEFECTS1. 主缺陷 super major defects1. 主要瑕疵、特大类 ...


1.The well-known "singularity" problem is one of the major defects in kernel-based video object tracking.“无穷多解”问题,是基于核函数的视频物体跟踪算法的主要问题。

2.Wrinkpng is one of the major defects and may cause structural strength to sharply decrease.起皱严重影响型材的成形质量,并使结构强度大大降低。

3.Trusses showed no major defects or damage at the time of inspection.桁架表明在检查时没有重大缺陷或损坏。

4.Major defects shall be finally recognized by the board of directors.重大缺陷应当由董事会予以最终认定。

5.Major defects: Point serious impact to the vision and use; And can't reach to the design requirement.主要缺点:指严重的影响使用及严重影响视觉;及无法达到原设计要求的缺点;

6.Each process has some major defects impacting the passing yield of final test and the quapty of products.每个流程中都有一些主要的不良类型,会影响到最终测试的通过率和成品的质量。

7.Does this rate apply to major defects or minor ones?这个赔偿率是用于重大次品还是轻度次品?

8.The first type are major defects, such as missing trimmings and stains on the blouses, which may render the garments unsuitable for sale.第一类为重大次品,比如辅料遗漏、衣服上有污痕,这些次品将使衣服无法出售。

9.If dosing point is remote to Headbox , it will cause major defects.如果计量点离流浆箱距离远,将产生重大缺陷。

10.Determination and analysis of the occurred major defects together with the relevant departments and put forward the improving suggestions对出现的重缺陷同相关部门一同进行判定和分析,提出改进建议