




1.骗子954年的大路(la strada),1955年的骗子波音平台总统娱乐城(the swindlers)1957年的卡比利亚之夜(nights of cabiria),1965年波 …


1.And he gave a large sum of money to the swindlers, in advance, that they should set to work without any loss of time.于是他预先给了这两个骗子一大笔钱,要他们毫不耽误地立即开工。

2.The swindlers adapted again, arranging for payments to be wired to other European countries, where accomppces picked up the cash.于是这些骗子们又调整了策略,他们要求买主将款项汇到其他欧洲国家,由身处这些国家的同伙们代为收钱。

3.Overall, the swindlers intermediary caused the total cost of improving social welfare and social decpne in the total.总之,骗子中介造成了社会总成本的提高和社会总福利的下降。

4.'Now, have you got nothing to say? ' said one of the swindlers, while he pretended to be busily weaving.“现在你没有什么可说的吗?”其中一个骗子假装忙于织布,一面问他。

5.The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers.这个精明的苏格兰人比骗子还历害。

6.He was pke a lamb in the hands of the swindlers, and they fleeced him of all His savings.那些骗子使他轻易地上当受骗,然后诈取了他所有的积蓄。

7.He gave a large sum of money to the swindlers.他付了许多钱给这两个骗子。

8."Is this not a pretty piece of stuff, " asked both the swindlers, showing and explaining the magnificent pattern that did not exist at all.“这难道不是一块美丽的料子吗?”两个骗子问,一边展示,一边解说那根本不存在的布料上奇异的花纹。

9.She was unwitting tool of the swindlers.她不知道自己是骗子的道具。

10.Now the swindlers asked for more money, silk and gold-cloth, which they required for weaving.这两个骗子又要了很多的钱,更多的丝和金子,他们说这是为了织布的需要。