


英文单词:多种街机模拟器(Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator);大型电玩;街机游戏下载


1.多种街机模拟器(Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) ... ice breaking game 破冰游戏 4人 mame 街机游戏下载 anger bird 游戏下载 ...


1.still, as it becomes the servant to always keep in the rear of the mistress, she was less homely than Mame Hucheloup.可是,按习俗仆人总是立在主妇后面的,和于什鲁大妈比起来,她又丑得好一点。

2.The reason we let Danny Welbeck and Mame Biram Diouf go was that they are young and they need games.我们外放维尔贝克和迪乌夫是因为他们年轻,需要比赛。

3.MAME is also the core of the Multi-Emulator-Super-System (MESS), which emulates almost 500 unique consoles, computers, and calculators.MAME也是多仿真器超级系统(Multi-Emulator-Super-System,MESS)的核心,其仿真近500个独特的控制台、计算机和计算器。

4.Mame Hucheloup, a good likeness, went and came from morning till night before this quatrain with the most perfect tranquillity.于什鲁大妈和那形象很相象,从早到晚,若无其事,在那四行诗跟前走来又走去。

5.We had fresh players to come on with Mame Diouf and Michael Owen and it was a good opportunity for them too.我们有生力军迪乌夫和欧文,这对他们来说也是表现自己的好机会。

6.The Mame-Cam is the smallest digital single lens reflex camera in the world designed by Japanese company Thanko, and fits on a fingertip.Cam是世界上最小的数码单反相机,由日本的Thanko公司设计推出,适合戴在手指上。

7.Today, the MAME project provides emulation for more than 4500 unique games.如今,MAME项目为4500多个独特的游戏提供仿真。

8."You needn't tell stories, sir, " said Mame, cool and advised.“你不必说假话了,先生。”玛米冷静而有自知之明地说。

9.Mame Biram Diouf came on as a substitute in Senegal's 2-0 win over Greece.迪乌夫以替补的身份出场帮助塞内加尔2-0战胜希腊。

10.Is it possible Sir Alex has struck gold yet again in Mame Biram Diouf?那么迪乌夫会是爵爷挖到的又一块宝吗?