


美式发音: [ɛlz] 英式发音: [elz]


n.英语字母表的第 12 个字母;(罗马数字) 50

英文单词:最小二乘(least square);最小二乘法(least squares);列出目录内容


LS显示所有例句n.— see alsoL-plate

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 12 个字母the 12th letter of the English alphabet

‘Lion’ begins with (an) L/‘L’.lion 一词以字母 l 开头。


1.(尤标于地图上)湖(especially on maps) Lake

L. Windermere温德米尔湖

2.(尤作衣服尺码的标志)大号(especially for sizes of clothes) large

S, M and L(= small, medium and large)小号、中号和大号


1.(罗马数字) 50the number 50 in Roman numerals

abbr.1.(=landing ship)登陆舰2.(=Licentiate in Surgery)有资格开业的外科医生3.〈外〉(=Locus Sigilli)盖印处

abbr.1.(=landing ship)2.(=Licentiate in Surgery)3.<foreign>(=Locus Sigilli)

1.最小二乘(least square)OFDM系统中MMSE与LS信道估... OFDM系统LS与MMSE信道估计... OFDM系统LS与MMSE信道 …

2.最小二乘法(least squares) losetup 设置循环设备 ls 列出目录内容 mkdir 创建目录 ...

4.腹腔镜脾切除术(laparoscopic splenectomy)科 1991 年,Delaitre 首先报道 了一腹腔镜脾切除术(LS)的病例,此后很多医生采用这一技术治疗原发性血小板减少性紫癜(IT…

5.雷克萨斯(Lexus) 起亚 VQ-R 雷克萨斯 LS 奔驰 GLK ...

6.文件列表 echo '*.jpg' 这将打印"*. ls: 文件列表 cp sourcefile destfile: 文件拷贝 ...

造句带翻译释义:,,大号,英语字母表的第 12 个字母, 50,列出目录内容

1.Simulation results show that the mean square error (MSE) of the proposed method is about one tenth of that of the LS method.计算机仿真结果表明:新算法的均方根误差(MSE)约为LS算法的十分之一。

2.For example, a common alias is ll, which invokes the equivalent of ls -l (ll is often referred to as long listing).例如,一个常用的别名是ll,它调用等效的ls-l(ll通常称为长清单(longlisting))。

3.ls there a way i can get ahold of him ? - i ' m sorry , he is gone for the weekend.我有什么方法能够找到他?很抱歉,他去度周末了。

4.Vice-chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission LS said the goal of her group was to eliminate discriminations in the workplace.平等就业委员会副主席LS说她的组织的目的是消除工作场合中的歧视现象。

5.Aluminum is always combined with other ls; the most common combination is with oxygen because aluminum has a strong affinity for oxygen.铝总是和其它金属结合在一起,最常见的是和氧结合在一起,因为铝对氧有很强的亲和力affinity。

6.Comparing the file sizes with the ls command, you see that the backup was used to replace the current database.通过ls命令比较文件的大小,您可以看到备份被用于替换当前的数据库。

7.I haven't done that in a while. -ls it a date if she doesn't know?我有一阵子没干这个了啊-她都不知道能算是约会吗?。

8.You can also specify multiple parameters to the ls command, where each name is either that of a file or directory.您还可以为ls命令指定多个参数,其中的每个名称都可能是文件或目录的名称。

9.Each time the command above is repeated, file_list. txt is overwritten (from the beginning) with the output of the command ls.上面的命令每执行一次,file_list.txt文件的内容就会从头到尾的被ls命令的输出覆盖掉。

10.LS-DYNA ha been used for quasi-static analyses of other kinds of problems than those described here .LS-DYNA的公顷被用来形容这里的这些问题比其他类型的准静态分析。