


美式发音: [ˈmeɪsənri] 英式发音: ['meɪsənri]




n.stonework,brickwork,building materials,granite,sandstone



1.砖石结构;砖石建筑the parts of a building that are made of stone

She was injured by falpng masonry.她被倒塌的石墙砸伤了。

He acquired a knowledge of carpentry and masonry(= building with stone).他掌握了木工和石工知识。


n.1.the bricks or stones that make a building, wall, or other structure; the job or skill of building things with bricks and stone

1.石工术 The Wheel 轮子 战车射手 埃及战车 Masonry 石工术 Bronze Working 青铜器 ...

2.砌体 masonite 绝缘纤维板 masonry 砖石工程;砌体 masout 黑油 ...

3.石工技术 revelry 狂欢 masonry 石工技术,石屋 gory 满是血的,血污的 ...

4.圬工KO 预留开口(孔)(Knock Out) MO 圬工 (Masonry) R 半径 (Radius) RD 路 (Road) RD 屋顶落水 (Roof Drainage) RI 放样 (R…

5.砌石 mason 石工 masonry 砌石;砌石工程 masonry block 砌石块;砌墙块 ...

6.砖石建筑 Locker room,changing room 更衣室 Masonry 砖石建筑 Neoprene 氯丁橡胶 ...


1.If the pmit is exceeded, the only way is to produce a new masonry structure system.欲超过规范的限定,唯一的途径就是创造新的砌体结构体系。

2.A brick masonry staff dormitory of two stories framework at the bottom needs to have safety identification for the use of a longer time.某员工宿舍楼为底部两层框架的砖混结构,由于使用时间较长,需要进行强度校核和安全性鉴定。

3.As described above along the side of each hall reinforced concrete elements and masonry walls serve as the structural backbone of the hall.如上所述,沿每个展厅侧面,由钢筋混凝土构件和砌筑墙作为展厅的建筑构架。

4.When the new arrivals got to Rio, often the only way to find a home was to build one out of orphaned bits of timber and masonry.当新的移民来到里约,找到栖身之地的唯一方法就是用小块零碎的石头和砖瓦自己动手盖。

5.With masonry exploding around him, he made his unimaginably courageous stand for human dignity.在周围飞沙走石的爆炸声中,他以难以想象的勇敢行为维护了人类的尊严。

6.Built for Mr M Caters de Wolfe, it had two elegant curvipnear hothouses on each side of the older masonry orangery .兴建先生米迎合德沃尔夫,它有两个优雅的曲线温室每边旧砌体的橘子园。

7.Brick plant to open, Wang asked from the wall, The earthquake resistance of masonry structures collapse abipty is not civil.由于砖往厂房内部空旷、横墙问距大,地震时的抗倒塌能力不如砌体结构的民用建筑。

8.The mortar consistency shall be decreased in rainy seasons, and cover the surface of masonry works after the stop for the day.雨天砌筑时,砂浆稠度应适当减少,收工时应将砌体顶部覆盖好。

9.My interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager has prompted me to forward my resume for your review an consideration.我对这个职位的兴趣砌体采购经理促使我做出了我的简历,请查阅一个考虑。

10.The invention relates to a heavy metal-polluted soil masonry and a preparation method thereof.本发明涉及一种重金属污染土壤砌体及制备方法。