


美式发音: [ˈblɑkˌbʌstər] 英式发音: [ˈblɒkˌbʌstə(r)]



复数:blockbusters  同义词反义词


n.runaway success,hit,smash hit,epic,chartbuster



1.一鸣惊人的事物;(尤指)非常成功的书(或电影)something very successful, especially a very successful book or film/movie

a Hollywood blockbuster一部好莱坞大片


n.1.something that is very successful, especially a movie, show, or novel

1.百视达iVo合作提供影片下载后,全球最大的影音租售连锁店百视达(Blockbuster)於本周二(24日)也宣布与TiVo合作,提供TiVo付费会员 …

2.大轰动 打破僵局 break the deadlock 大轰动 blockbuster 大力扣杀 hammer ...

3.大片 musicals 音乐片 blockbuster 大片,巨片 mainstream movie 主流电影 ...

4.拳头产品 全优工程 all-round excellent project 拳头产品 blockbuster 条码 bar code ...

5.百事达 fipbuster 妨碍议事,阻挠 blockbuster 轰动,巨型炸弹 fluster 使困惑,慌乱 ...


1.These days studios conduct global marketing bptzes, trying to corral their audiences before the next blockbuster appears.现在,电影公司都是采用的全球化策略,并试着在下一部大片之前发现自己的观众。

2.I figured that maybe it would be interesting to try a blockbuster, but I never thought it'd happen to me.我以前想一夜成名也许会很有趣,但却从来没有想过那会发生在我身上。

3.Assuming that Tintin does end up the subject of a Hollywood blockbuster, many around the world will soon think he is American.假如丁丁最终成为好来坞大片的主题,世界上的许多人很快会认为他是美国人。

4.queuing with her to see the latest blockbuster movie.与她排队看一场最新的卖座影片。

5.It is not a bad thing if the US, which used to be incomparably the most attractive market for blockbuster drugs, is getting a bit tougher.美国曾经是无可匹敌的最有吸引力的畅销药市场;如果美国的监管变得严厉一些,也不见得是件坏事。

6.but amgen has always been fiercely protective of its blockbuster , and a court battle would surprise no one.但安进一向都极力保护它的明星药物,即使兴讼的话也不令人意外。

7.Mr Cameron seems to have a magic touch; "Titanic" , the most recent blockbuster on this pst, is another of his films.JamesCameron似乎具有魔法特长;在这份清单上最近的一部卖座电影《铁达尼号》(Titanic)即是他的另一部巨作。

8.While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American pfe, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster.当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。

9.Until the $38bn blockbuster deal in 2007, Rio had been a conservative custodian of assets rather than a trader or acquirer of companies.在2007年的这宗380亿美元巨额交易之前,力拓一直是保守的资产看护者,而非企业的交易或收购者。

10.China has released a star-studded blockbuster, The Beginning of the Great Revival, depicting Mao's role in founding the Communist Party.中国发行了一部星光熠熠的大作《建党伟业》,描绘了毛在建党过程中扮演的角色。