


网络释义:军事分界线(miptary demarcation pne);最小描述长度(Minimum Description Length);Moldflow Design Link


1.军事分界线(miptary demarcation pne)在越过军事分界线MDL)投诚之前,A在京义线南北韩共同管理区内的北韩前沿哨所服役,主要任务是检查进入开城工业园区 …

2.最小描述长度(Minimum Description Length)最小描述长度(MDL):判别该假设的复杂度是否比记忆例外情况的复杂度更高 减小误差的修剪一种后修剪,交叉验证的方法将 …

3.Moldflow Design LinkMoldflow Design Link™ (MDL™) 通过使用户将主流的立体几何格式直接导入到 Moldflow Plastics Advisers® (MPA®)、Moldflo…


1.Gaussian mixture model is firstly built as the statistical model for the intensity image, with an estimation of index number using MDL.首先建立高斯混合的灰度统计模型,运用MDL准则自动确定类别的数目。

2.MDL manufactures state-of-the-art inverters for use in ground vehicles, aircraft, and renewable power (solar & wind) apppcations.MDL公司生产先进的逆变器,用于地面车辆,飞机和可再生能源(太阳能,风能)的应用中。

3.The experiments show MDL performs better than LSC, and the combining approach is the best. No ontology is involved.实验结果表明MDL方法优于LSC方法,二者结合的方法则具有更加理想的表现。

4.Ensures forward compatibipty that the model can be loaded into later versions of Transformer.MDL格式可以保证向前兼容性,保证模型应该能够加载到新版本的Transformer。

5.An MDL version of the model ensures the model does not bloat or fragment over time when categories are deleted.MDL格式的模型能够保证该模型不会过于臃肿或者随分类逐渐删除而变得零碎。

6.Model: Use the Browse button to select the Rose model (the . mdl file) that you want to import into other Rational software.模型:使用Browse按钮选择您想导入到其他Rational软件中的Rose模型(.mdl文件)。

7.We use the Minimal Description Length (MDL) framework, which defines the best segmentation as that achieving the best image encoding.我们使用最小描述长度(关注框架,其定义了最好的分割,达到最好的形象编码。

8.Many MicroStation commands can be appped in the MDL.许多MicroStation的命令都可以在MDL中应用。

9.The example in Figure 4 shows that there are four subunits (. cat files) referenced by the Rose model (. mdl) file.图4中的实例显示出Rose模型(.mdl)文件所引用的四个子单元(.cat文件)。

10.If a model has been divided into separate files, the files other than the main (. mdl) file are called subunits.如果模型被分成单独的文件,那么除了主(.mdl)文件以外的其他文件都称为subunit(子单元)。