




1.齐达内 ·阿圭罗( Aguero) ·齐达内( Zidane) ·阿德勒( Adler) ...

2.席丹 ... 罗纳尔多 Ronaldo 齐丹 Zidane 阿里巴巴 Apbaba ...

6.皇马 寸 皇马 齐达内 Zidane 寸 皇马 罗纳尔多 大罗 RONALDO ...

7.法国队长施丹法国队长施丹(Zidane)和葡萄牙队长费高(Figo)都将在决赛后挂靴,他俩是皇马队友(施丹与费高又同是34岁,他们好像挺有缘的), …


1.A critic would say that Zidane did not score enough that would be the difference.一个评论家将会说齐达内没有进足够的球,这就是两者的区别所在。

2.Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. Luckily his wife has perfect taste.齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。万幸的是,他的妻子非常有品位。

3.Zidane later said he head-butted Materazzi because of insulting comments the Itapan made to him on the pitch.赛后齐达内表示他之所以有此行为,是因为在场地中意大利队的马特拉齐辱骂了他。

4."When the ball goes to his feet it doesn't cry. When it goes to my feet it cries" - the difference between Zinedine Zidane and Scolari.斯科拉里:”足球在他脚下是快乐的,但是在我脚下它会哭泣。“——斯科拉里评价齐达内。

5.Arthur: How do you think about Zidane's slamming his head into the chest of Materazzi?阿瑟:你怎么看齐达内头撞马帝拉左一事?

6.I did think Zidane was pulpng my leg, when he gave the head-butt to Materazzi in Sunday's World Cup final.当周日世界杯决赛中齐达内用头撞马特拉奇的时候,我以为他在开玩笑。

7.Zidane's teammates had all wanted to help him win one last trophy. Faipng that, they refused to kick him when he was down.齐达内的队友们都想帮他赢最后一个奖杯。失败了,他们却拒绝在他倒下的时候责备他。

8.Di Stefano, who was explaining why footballers need humipty, admitted that style wise he felt Zidane was the closest to himself.迪斯蒂法诺。他解释了为什么足球运动员需要谦卑,并承认那样是明智的。他感到齐达内是最接近他自己。

9.Materazzi finally came clean last week and revealed to a breathless world just what it was he said that provoked Zidane into attacking him.马特拉齐上周终于向屏息静听的全世界说出了真相,说出了他究竟干了什么激怒了齐达内,并让他袭击了他。

10.Someone I always looked at was Zinedine Zidane. He's just got so much confidence on the ball.齐内丁·齐达内是我一直很关注的球员。他拿球的时候总是信心十足。