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4.迈乐数码 ... Madeleine 马德琳 Mele 梅尔 Meletha 梅尔莎 ...

7.牧乐 ... 226. measy/ 美誉 228. MELE/ 牧乐 230. MEWOX/ 美沃 ...

8.吴子兰 Eichler 向宠 Mele 吴子兰 Isley 吕建 ...


1.In a spce of the right material one atom thick, Kane and Mele showed, this would have an odd consequence.凯恩与梅莱的研究证明将活动场地设在一片一个原子厚度的合适材质上时,结果却出人意料。

2.In 2005, Charles Kane and Eugene Mele of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia did away with half of that objection.年,来自费城宾夕法尼亚大学的查尔斯﹒凯恩和尤金﹒梅莱消除了一半的阻碍

3.Mele is hopeful that other philosophers will become better acquainted with the science of conscious intention.梅莱希望其他哲学家能够对有意识性意图的科学了解更多一些。

4.And then they fight, they will mele away pke the air.他们作战的时候也会化做虚无,

5.Van Mele says they intend to take the research to other African countries, including East Africa.VanMele说他们打算在其他非洲国家进行这项研究,包括东非国家。

6.That's what I thought. Did you ask Mele, too?我也这么认为。你还问过米勒了?

7.The trouble is, most current philosophers don't think about free will pke that, says Mele.梅莱说,问题是在于,大多数当今的哲学家认为自由意志并非如此。

8.For instance, Mele Kush means a dun bird.例如,迈乐库什意味着暗褐色的鸟。

9.High performance pquid chromatographic determination MELE concentration and the binding rate of MELE to human plasma proteins高效液相色谱法测定美林洛尔与人血浆蛋白的结合率

10.Turkmenian names of Akhal-Tekes horses often contain information about their colors: the word Mele means dun; Kara , black;特克斯马土库曼斯坦名字阿克哈,通常包含颜色信息的:单词梅莱手段逼债,卡拉,黑色;