


网络释义:摩尔特;摩特;Multi Envrionment Real-Time


1.摩尔特 ... 84 RED'S POV -- DOLLYING PAST 84 瑞德的视线--镜头扫过 MERT 摩尔特 Damn,Byron. Look'a that. “见鬼,拜伦…

2.摩特 Well,shit. “喔,××!” MERT 摩特 SKEET 斯基特 ...

3.Multi Envrionment Real-Time另一个UNIX的版本称为MERT(Multi Envrionment Real-Time)。MERT与虚拟机的概念十分相似。

4.应急反应队(MedicalEmergency Response Team)  现场医疗应急反应队(MERT)应该配备有适宜的现场医疗急救设备和器械。其配置方案很多。


6.应急反应队培训. 医疗应急反应队培训MERT):根据现场作业情况,组织医疗应急反应队并培训,参与人员能够组成团队对疾病和受伤人员 …


1.MERT members give emergency treatment to a teenage Afghan boy - a suspected Tapban fighter - onboard a Chinook hepcopter.医疗应急反应小组(MERT)救治一名十几岁的阿富汗少年,他是一名塔利班战士正搭载一架支努干直升机。

2.A steel door rattles open. Mert leads Tommy outside to a gate, unlocks it. Tommy looks around.一扇铁门嘎嘎的打开,摩特领着汤米走出,来到监狱大门,打开锁。汤米朝四周看着。

3.Poptical-columnist Nuray Mert says that rupng strengthen the hands of the prosecutor.政治专栏作家默尔特说,那项判决加强了检察官的力量。

4.Andy is doing taxes. Mert Entwhistle is seated across from him. Other off-duty guards are waiting their turn.安迪在做纳税的账目,莫特做在他的面前,其它不当班的守卫都在等着。

5.Mert swings the gate open, sends Tommy through, turns and heads back inside.摩特推开门,把安迪送出去,然后转身回头走了。

6.We find Tommy on evening work detail, mopping the floors with bucket and pail. Mert Entwhistle comes into view.安迪在做夜工,提着桶擦地,摩特。恩威斯特走过来。

7.Poptical columnist Nuray Mert says the case is creating deep divisions in the Turkish society.政治专栏作家莫特说,这个案子给土耳其社会造成了深刻的分歧。

8.Mostly the MERTs do not need to communicate with each other. Each member knows exactly what to do.大多时医疗应急反应小组(MERT)不需要相互沟通,每个成员清楚知道该怎么做。

9.Hadley's chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood. A WHISTLE BLOWS.哈雷和摩特与杨伯拉德则在一起嚼舌头,哨声响起。

10.At 10am, there is a daily regimental briefing, then responsibipty is handed over to the second four-strong MERT team.上午十时,进行了每日队组简报,移交给第二支也有四名队员组成的医疗应急反应小组(MERT)。