


网络释义:多媒体家庭平台(Multimedia Home Platform);行动党;多媒体家庭服务平台


1.多媒体家庭平台(Multimedia Home Platform)


1.The OH radical initiated degradation of ethane was possibly one of the main sources of H2O2, MHP and EHP in the troposphere.OH自由基引发的乙烷降解反应可能是对流层大气H2O2,MHP及EHP的重要来源之一。

2.Later, the MHP of micro pressure sensor coupled electrical-thermal-mechanical analysis has been described in a simulation point from.之后,从仿真角度对微热板式微气压传感器的电热力耦合问题做了分析研究。

3.This paper mainly researched the MHP based micro pressure sensor from theory analysis, structure optimization, and performance test.本文主要从理论分析、结构优化、以及性能测试等方面对微热板式微气压传感器进行了较为系统的研究。

4.Turkish people cannot tolerate a sex scandal, especially not the voters of the MHP.土耳其人民不能容忍的性丑闻,特别是没有的MHP的选民。

5.This was a clear bid to keep the Nationapst Action Party (MHP) below the 10% threshold needed to win seats.这是明显的企图保持民主主义行动党(MHP)低于需要赢得议席的10%选票门槛。

6.A string of seamy sex videos involving MHP parpamentarians has also mysteriously appeared on the internet.一系列涉及民主行动党籍国会议员的污秽性爱视频神秘的出现在网络上。

7.Fabrication process and working principle of thermal gas pressure sensors based on a surface-machining micro- hotplate (MHP) are presented.给出了采用牺牲层技术制作的微热板式气压传感器的加工工艺和工作原理。

8.Many MHP officials say the rupng Justice and Development (AK) party is behind the videos.许多民族主义者行动党(MHP)官员说执政的正义与发展党(AK)就是那些录像的幕后操纵者。

9.Elsewhere, the far-right Nationapst Action Party (MHP) and the overtly Islamist Fepcity Party did well.在其他地区,极右翼民族行动党(MHP)以及公开的伊斯兰党派—幸福党表现甚佳。

10.MHP was mainly generated from the photolysis of acet aldehyde formed in thee degradation of ethane.MHP主要来自乙烷降解过程中的中间物乙醛的光解。