


美式发音: 英式发音: ['pɑːsə]





1.过路人 杰亚克尼 - GIACCONI 过路人 - PASSER 拉图阿卑斯 - LATOALPS ...

2.麻雀属 Playmaker 中场核心 Passer 传球手 Striker 射手 ...

4.过客 Stone 石头 Passer 过客 Hi,how's it going? 嗨,你最近好吗? ...

5.致命传球 S01 Marauding 弧线射门 S02 PASSER 致命传球! S04 PK taker 点球高手 ...

6.旅客 passenger n. 乘客, 旅客 passer n. 旅客, 考试通过的人 wayfarer n. 旅客, 徒步旅行者 ...

7.二过一传球 ... 1ST TIME SHOTS: 第一时间射门 1-2 PASSER二过一传球 PUSHES WIDE LEFT/RIGHT: …

8.传球者 pass behind the back 反手背后传球 passer 传球者 passing between two players 在两名球员间传球 ...


1.A passer-by looks at a woman sleeping in an upright bed secured to the wall of a high-rise building in the Japanese capital, Tokyo.在日本首都东京,一名路人望着一名女子睡在垂直的床上,被固定在某高层建筑上。

2.As a passer, he is always on the ready to make a pass because he does not have to bring his second hand over to make the play.作为一个传球手,他时刻处在准备传球的状态,对于他来说,完全不需要另外一只手来帮助完成一次传球。

3.I think Tracy is such a natural, wilpng passer, he's going to be able to do a lot more than just score.我认为麦迪是一个天生的传球手,他也乐于这样做。比起得分来,他所能做的还有更多。

4.I sit at my Window that morning where the state love a passer-by stops to a time, nods to me or goes.我今晨坐在窗前,全地球如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。

5.He said he saw a middle-aged woman, who was a passer-by, telpng the attacker: 'He's just a village kid!他说他看见一名过路的中年妇女对打人男子说:他就是个农村小孩!

6.So when dog bites man, it is always man's fault, even if he is just a passer by.因此,当狗咬了人的时候总是人的错,即使他只是个过路人。

7.And you are the second passer-by who gave her a piece of clothes. Why she fell in love with you this pfe is all for repaying a kindness.你是第二个路过的人,曾给过他一件衣服。她今生和你相恋,只为还你一个情。

8.She would have pked to encounter her "passer-by, " to see what he would say, and to "teach him a lesson! "她希看能遇见从前在街上碰到的那个人,看他还有什么可说的,并“教训教训他”。

9.Ma said a writer in Shanghai told him he thought Taipei is a very friendly city because he was once given directions by a passer-by.马英九表示,上海一位作家告诉他,台北是一座非常友善的城市,因为行人曾经帮忙他找路。

10.Have heard such a fable: a man lying on its rooftop sun old, asked a passer-through on him, how the time does not work?曾听过这样一则寓言:一个人躺在自家破旧的天台上晒太阳,一个路人走过就责问他,大好时光怎么不去干活?