




1.想念你 miss you 是“失去你” missing you想念你”“想你” 都可以 miss you“ 错过你” ...

2.想你 1998 逛街 Shopping 2001 想你 Missing You 2000 没有问题 No Problem ...

3.好想你 04. Save Me 救救我 06. Missing You 好想你 07. Wish I 但愿 ...

4.思念你 《Wedding》《 婚礼》 04 Missing You————— 思念你 05 Feepng——————— 感觉 ...

5.想着你 ... 吻着你 kissing you 想着你 missing you 爱着你 loving you ...

6.我想念你 R chicken B 轻轻的哄你 Missing you 我想念你 Say no no no no 不要 …

7.幸福摩天轮《幸福摩天轮》(Missing You)[CH01-14][国粤语][RMVB] 《大太监》(The Confidant)MiniSD[HDTV] 《法网狙击》(Friendly Fire…


1.No matter where you are, regardless of wind or rain, there is always someone thinking about you, feepng worried of you and missing you.不管你在哪,不管是刮风还是下雨,总会有那么一个人在惦记你、担心你、挂念着你。

2.Miss, is all because of you, the heart does not stop missing you, missing you, I can only stay.思念,全都是由于你,心不停不停想你,想着你,我只能在原地。

3.[Just to be close you] , [my heart stays with you]. So , [don't leave me] , because i'm going to [missing you] , just [pke a child].只为靠近你,我的心会和你在一起,所以请别离开我,因为我会像个孩子那样想你。

4.'Cause I'm not coming back I'm closing the door. I used to tripping over, missing you, but I'm not anymore.因为我不会回来了,我关上门,我总是被对你的思念困住。但是,我已挣脱。

5.Since last time you sent my letter with your picture, I had already been touched by you and always been missing you.至从上回你给我写信并且发了照片,从那时起我就爱上你了,总是在想你!

6.Then I discovered how much I am missing you now.我发现,我竟然如此想念你。

7.The beginning part is missing and the end part is missing -- you know only the middle.开头的部分丢了,结尾的部分丢了——你只知道中间的部分。

8.You never know how much I am missing you!你知道我是多么想你啊!

9.I can't help missing you all the time , I try to enforce me not to do it, but I can't.我总是情不自禁地想你,也尝试自己不要这样,可是不行。

10.I said no but I know she is missing you so much just as me.我说没有但是我知道她也一样很想念你。