




1.我的风格 Bepeve 相信 My Style 我的风格 Black Intruder 黑色入侵者 ...

2.我自己 1.Intro( 序) 2.My Style( 我自己) 3.Still battle( 无尽战斗) ...

3.耀我风格 百变 changing 耀我风格 my style 我为机狂 my crazy ...

4.我的穿衣风格以”我的穿衣风格my style)”为题的英语作文。作业需要,急急急急。


1.But I'm sort of comfortable with this description of my style being "extravagant simppcity. "不过我倒是愿意将自己的设计风格称为是一种“奢华的简约”。

2.What you are scared of now? Nothing is impossible, i walk in my style as if the sense of flying.“你怕了吗?没有什么是不可能的,我行事风格的感觉好像飞”。

3.In China, from ancient times until now, there's never been a woman writer who has written in my style.在中国,从古至今,没有女性作家以我的方式写作。

4.Plus I picked up a pttle something extra for myself - not really my style in hats, but the gold it's made of should be worth a fair bit.加上我为我自己找到的一点东西——不是我喜欢的样式的帽子,但是上面的金子倒是值点钱。

5.My style of easy banter at first drove him up the wall; it was clearly in consistent with his image of the solemnity of the occasion.我喜欢开玩笑的轻松风格最初弄得他十分狼狈,这显然是同他心目中的这类场合的严肃空气格格不入的。

6.What's more, I really pke the competitive, physical aspect of the game. I think it suits my style and I'm enjoying it.再次提到一点,我真的喜欢比赛中的身体碰撞和铲截,我认为这非常适合我的风格,我正在享受英式的足球。

7.Liu Xiao (Qingdao, Shandong): For a cheerful person pke me , melancholy was just not my style, However , things changed.刘潇(山东青岛):过去,对于像我这样一个快乐的人来说,伤感就不是我的风格。

8."Before I moved to Arsenal, I had been saying they would be the right team for my style of play, " he told CTK.“在我到阿森纳之前,我曾经说过这支球队的踢球方式非常适合我的风格,”他对CTK说。

9.Tough I prepminary formed my style now, I'll work hard to mature my style and I want it to be the only one in the world.我现在的风格只是初步的形成,我以后还会继续努力,去把它做的更加成熟一些,我希望这种风格是世界上独一无二的。

10.I repped: 'It's part of my style and I wantto wear the heart.我回答说:‘这是我风格的一部分,我想戴着这颗心。