


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:同卵双生子;边缘区(marginal zone);莫桑比克(Mozambique)




1.中生界 古生代 Pz 中生代 Mz 新生代 Kz ...


5.莫桑比克(Mozambique) MY 马来西亚 MZ 莫桑比克 NA 纳米比亚 ...

6.埋弧焊机主要竞争对手如图所示: 产品 氩弧焊机(TIG) 埋弧焊机MZ) 熔化极气体保护焊机(MIG/MAG 焊机) 药芯自保护焊机 …

7.单卵双生子 MY- 马来西亚 MZ- 莫三比克 NA- 奈米比亚 ...


1.Liao MZ, Liu XZ, Fu JH, et al. Surveillance of behaviors of men having sex with men in Shandong.廖玫珍,刘学真,傅继华,等。山东省男性同性恋者综合行为监测情况分析。

2.MZ: House prices are typically driven by a number of factors including inventory levels, interest rates, employment rates and income levels.翟:有几种因素往往会影响到房价,包括余屋量、利率、就业率及收入水准。

3.MZ: A housing bubble is an economic situation that occurs when home prices rise faster than inflation and income.翟:这是一种经济情况,就是当房价上涨得比通货膨胀及收入快的时候。

4.MZ: Home prices become so artificially high that peoples' monthly incomes cannot pay for the mortgages on their properties.翟:房屋价格如果因人为因素而高涨,人们每月的收入就会不够支付房屋贷款。

5.It's really fun to see girls playing, because in MZ there is not very meny.能看到女孩子在玩《足球经理在线》是件非常有趣的事情,因为在《足球经理在线》里面的女孩子并不多。

6.MZ-Tools: Enhanced programming tools for VB and VBA programmers.MZ-Tools:VB和VBA程序员的增强编程工具。

7.Facts and Reasons. The predecessor of Respondent is MZ School.被申请人的前身为MZ学校。

8.In broad board way, this would require testing 10 to the 92nd sets of MZ combinations.在宽广的董事会方法中,这会需要对MZ组合的第92组合的测试10。

9.Yes, come in please. I am Mr. Li. You must be Mz Liu, right?请进,我就是李先生,你肯定是刘小姐吧?

10.The white Zomb is a Missionary Zomb ( MZ ), basically roams converting people to Zomb, or killing them.白色僵尸是传教士僵尸(MZ),基本上就是到处游荡,将人类变成僵尸,或者杀了他们。