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1.链激酶(streptokinase) SI 斯洛文尼亚 SK 斯洛伐克 SR 塞尔维亚 ...

4.沙王(Sand King) 帕吉 pudge 沙王 SK 斯拉达 SG ...

5.韩国(South Korea) SJ 斯瓦尔巴岛和扬马延岛 SK 韩国 SL 塞拉利昂 ...

6.重组链激酶个人密钥PK(Personal Key)、业务密钥SK(Service Key)、内容密钥CK(Contend Key)。采用四层密钥体系的原因是为了更好 …


1.Analysts at ICBC International said the sale was not surprising given Unicom no longer had any CDMA operations.工银国际(ICBCInternational)的分析师表示,鉴于中国联通不再拥有CDMA业务,SK电讯出售股权并不令人感到意外。

2.Mind not to the point spread, penetrate into the sky, the sk. . .思绪不着边际四处蔓延,渗透到苍穹,天空中飞舞的是一片片绪言。

3.SK: Tell me more about this sense of death and decay I feel regarding the structures that I'm interacting with.莎莉:请告诉我更多一些,在我正在与之交互作用的(矩阵)结构中,我感觉到的这种死亡和衰退的感觉。

4.Since the service is free, SK Communications did not retain financial information of its users in most cases.由于该网站服务免费,因此SK通讯在多数情况下没有留存用户的财务信息。

5.SK: It does n't . But if you release the muskrat ahead of you into the dungeon , it makes so much racket that the monsters ignore you .那不会。可你要是进地城前把它放在前头,它会弄出大量噪音使怪物忽略你。

6.SK: Ok, well, how about this then: the armor is equipped with a box of specially-trained hornets.好罢,那么,这个怎么样:这件盔甲装有塞满受特殊训练黄蜂的盒子。

7.The company's investigators say that the hackers were likely working from network addresses assigned to China.SK通讯的调查人员说,黑客当时可能是从分配给中国的网络地址发起的攻击。

8."I must say, I'm in a better state of health now, " he said on his official website, martinskrtel. sk.“很高兴告诉大家,我的伤病情况要好于预期,”斯科特尔在自己的官网上表示。

9.People love me and people hate me, but I'm comfortable in my own sk in and that's what counts.人们喜欢我,人们憎恨我,但是我在我自己皮囊里感到很舒服,那就行了。

10.SK: Oh ! I thought you were asking if I 'd spayed the cat .噢!我还以为你在问我是不是阉了这只猫呢。