




1.德国制造 味是故乡浓 II 德国制造 Made In Germany 科学好 easy ...

2.德国本土制造游戏的参数:3-5人,60-90分钟,12岁以上。再往左,看到德国制作Made in Germany)几个大字,根据目前的经验,这应 …

4.德国生产 ... Cetaphil 丝塔芙 made in Germany 德国生产 在澳洲超市销售 Rich inIron 富含铁 …

5.德国进口 品牌:飞利浦 PHILIPS 【产 地】:德国进口 Made in Germany ...

6.德国原装进口本店所售蓝精灵大部分为德国原装进口MADE IN GERMANY),体现了精湛优质的德国做工。国内专柜无售。


1.Made in Germany with a patented enzymatic fermentation process designed to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.在德国拥有专利的设计很快被吸收到血液中的酶发酵过程。

2.It does not trade on being "made in Germany" , whereas for luxury goods from France their Frenchness is part of the essence of the brand.它并不刻意强调“德国制造”,反而是那些来自法国的奢侈品牌,他们的“法国身份”本身就已经构成了品牌文化的精髓。

3.The aircraft's fuselage and wings will continue to be made in Germany and shipped to the U.飞机的机身和机翼将继续在德国生产,然后运往美国进行组装。

4.Would you show me a few different racing cycles made in Germany?请给我看看几种德国产的赛车可以吗?

5.We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681.我们有一件古老乐器,叫做击弦古钢琴,它是德国在1681年制造德。

6.My car was made in Germany is a complete sentence with a subject and a verb.的是一个有主语的动词的完整句子。

7.Even if the economic crisis was not made in Germany, it has changed the world: Germany will suffer unless it responds.尽管经济危机并非由德国所引发,它已经改变了世界:德国将承受痛苦直到它作出有效的回应。

8.The machine's secondary stations are equipped with numerical control touch screen and electronic scale which made in Germany.机器副台配有产自德国的数控触摸屏,电子定尺。

9.There, Sir Howard Vincent entered parpament festooned with mops, pails and brushes marked "Made in Germany" .当时,霍华德-文森特爵士(SirHowardVincent)拿着一堆印有“德国制造”字眼的拖把、桶和刷子走进国会。

10.Shielded, double-shielded and sealed bearings are the highest quapty and are usually made in Germany or Japan.防护轴承,双重防护轴承和密封轴承(对轴承懂行的朋友欢迎指正)质量最好,而且通常都是德国或者日本制造的。