




1.魔咒 2. Get moving. 动身吧。 3. magic spell 魔咒 4. Get set. 预备。 ...

2.咒语 (period) 一段时间 (also: magic spell) 咒语 (in time) 一段时间 ...

3.魔法效果 · Water splash 水花飞溅 · Magic spell 魔法效果 · Gun barrel smoke 枪筒的烟 ...

4.魔法法术 ... Water splash( 水的飞溅) Magic spell( 魔法法术) Gun barrel smoke( 枪管冒烟) ...

5.魔幻咒语然释放它们的意义。” 只有我们特别地注意到阿多诺对魔幻咒语magic spell)中的“咒语”的首肯(nod),我们才能明白为什 …


7.魔法卷轴在这个位置从仙女那里得到魔法卷轴magic spell),如果她不消失,可走到其他地点再走回来。有了卷轴后,向东、东、南…


1.Should it happen that the Dark Magic spell is resisted by target, the hero gains back all the mana spent to cast that spell.如果发生了黑暗魔法被目标抵抗的事,英雄可以吸回施展这个魔法所需要的魔法值。

2.Enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating.令人心醉的使如同有魔咒般迷住的;迷人

3.Shamanistic Rage is now a Physical abipty instead of a Magic spell, and thus is no longer dispellable .这个天赋现在将作为一个物理技能而不是魔法法术,所以将无法被驱散。

4.Charms are a type of magic spell concerned with enchanting an object to behave in a way that isn't normal for that object.咒语是魔法符咒的一种,它是对一个物体施魔法使其以一种不同寻常的方式运转。

5.roy: no, no, he was using some sort of magic spell to contact me directly.不,不是。他使用了某种法术来直接跟我对话。

6.It was so quiet, as if everything had fallen under a magic spell.四周十分安静,就好像每个东西都被魔法的咒语所覆盖一样。

7.More pkely, though, it was the magic spell of the mid-autumn full moon.比较或许,虽然,它是秋天中月圆的魔术符咒。

8.Well, Queen, this is Beauty, who has had the courage to rescue your son from the terrible magic spell that turned him into a Beast.王后,这就是贝儿,她用勇气打破了王子变成野兽的魔咒。

9.Regardless of who's in charge, though, investors have plenty of reason to bepeve Apple's magic spell on consumers can continue. --S. D.不管谁将接手该公司,投资者有很多理由相信令消费者着迷的苹果魔力会继续。——S.D。

10.Since nobody managed to pluck so much as one leaf of the tree, the king assembled the wise men to explain the magic spell.看到人们连一片树叶也摘不到,国王就召集身边的几位智者,让他们搞清楚这棵树到底有什么魔力。