




1.马辛德拉 Yuejin( 跃进)(南汽) Mahindra( 马辛德拉) Maruti( 风神/玛鲁蒂) ...

2.马亨德拉 ... Lotus (莲花) - 英国 Mahindra (马辛德拉) - 印度 Maruti - 印度 ...


7.印度马恒达  萨博(Saab)公司正在与印度马恒达(Mahindra)公司在C4I领域展开合作,并向印度军方演示了指挥控制系统。萨博公司的指挥 …

8.印度马欣德拉·印度马欣德拉Mahindra)将参加明年的WGP2010-12-7 14:33:45·AT&T助力哈雷戴维森在印度的业务发展计划2010-11-30 14…


1.However, he said there were challenges Mahindra would face in the integration process.不过他表示,马辛德拉在整合过程中也会面临挑战。

2.He is a high-profile industriapst, and currently chairman of Mahindra & Mahindra, one of the country's foremost industrial conglomerates.他是一位备受瞩目的实业家,目前任印度最重要工业集团之一——Mahindra&Mahindra的董事长。

3.The most senior executive to be convicted was Keshub Mahindra, former chairman of Union Carbide's Indian subsidiary.获刑高管中职位最高的是克沙布•马亨德拉(KeshubMahindra),联合碳化物公司印度分公司前董事长。

4.The agency was called upon last month to introduce Mahindra, the first pne of cars made in India to be sold in the United States.上个月,它受邀为Mahindra第一批将在美国出售的印度汽车做代理。

5.Mahindra is among the top 3 tractors manufacturers in the world with a worldwide customer base of 1. 45 milpon.马恒达集团农机部是全球第三大拖拉机制造商,在全世界拥有一百四十五万的客户。

6.Mr. Mahindra is the latest Indian to make a splash at the Ivy League university this year .马恒达是最近一位在哈佛大学引起轰动的印度人。

7.The new batch will be bought at a competitive price, said analyst Mahindra Singh.分析师MahindraSingh称,新的一批装备将以极具竞争力的价格购买。(工业和信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所刘娜)

8.Mahindra pledges 1 per cent of its profit after tax to social initiatives.汽车集团Mahindra则承诺将其税后利润的1%捐给公益项目。

9.Anand Mahindra, an Indian business leader, has described his dreams about the future as "not just colourful, but steroidal" .印度商界领袖AM曾这样描述他对未来的梦想:“不但五彩缤纷,而且???”

10.Mr. Mahindra studied film at Harvard and graduated in 1977 and returned to get his business master's in 1981.马恒达在哈佛学了电影,1977年毕业,后来回校再造,于1981年取得工商管理硕士学位。