


美式发音: [ˈbaɪoʊˌfjuəl] 英式发音: [ˈbaɪəʊˌfjuːəl]






1.生物燃料fuel made from plant or animal sources and used in engines

biofuels made from sugar cane and sugar beet用甘蔗和甜菜制成的生物燃料


n.1.fuel that is made from pving things or from something their bodies produce, for example fuel made from cow manure

1.生物燃料 1. 酿酒[ make wine;brew beer] 2. 酿热物[ biofuel] 3. 酿造[ brew;make vinegar,wine,etc.] ...

6.生物燃油甚麽是生物燃油(BioFuel)??可否告知Biofuel是甚麽?乙醇(ethanol)是否Biofuel??现时,Biofuel的发展情况又如何?香港有冇相关 …

7.生物能源生物能源(biofuel)是目前热门的替代能源之一,而用於提供生物能源的生物原料(biomass)主要来自植物,有两大种类:其一为 …


1.It can be effectively grown on marginal lands that are considered undesirable for food crops, making it a viable option as a new biofuel.它可在粮食作物不理想的边缘地带高效生长,使它成为生物新能源的可行选择。

2.A small fraction of that sea area would be enough to fully substitute for biofuel production on land.而在这3%海域当中,只要一小部分海洋区域就足以全面替代陆地生物燃料生产。

3.He said some of the biggest price hikes were rice and wheat, which are not used for biofuel production.他说,价格上涨幅度最高的一些粮食品种是大米和小麦,而大米和小麦并未用于生物燃料的生产。

4.All the same, one of the simplest steps to help ensure that the world has enough to eat in 2050 would be to scrap every biofuel target.尽管如此,确保世界2050年有足够的吃的最简单的办法之一就是,取消所有生物燃料的指标。

5.At the moment, only a handful of factories around the world produce biofuel from cellulose. And that fuel is still ethanol.现在,全世界只有少数几个工厂通过纤维素生产生物燃料,而且产品仍然是乙醇。

6.But if that could be done economically, biofuel aquaculture would be about as green as you could get.但一旦收集藻类可以比较经济的进行,生物燃料产业就会成为你可以投资的最绿色的产业。

7.But, he said nations have to balance the production of biofuel from food crops, with biofuel from non food resources.但是,他说国家不得不在粮食作物产出的生物能源和非粮食原料产出的生物资源的数量上求得平衡。

8.The United States, too, has been active for some time. Congress and a number of States have provided robust support for biofuel development.美国表现出积极性也有一段时间了。国会和一些州已经為生物燃料的发展提供了强大的支持。

9.If he's right, the biofuel industry could soon become known as a food provider rather than an unwelcome consumer.如果如他所说,生物燃料工业将很快像食品供应商一样为人所知,而不会像它的不受欢迎的消费者一样。

10.America's generous subsidies for biofuel have increased the harvest of water-intensive crops that are now used for energy as well as food.美国为生物燃料项目投入了大量的津贴,提高了水资源密集型庄稼作物(这些作物既可作食物也可作能源)的产量。