




1.玛维·影歌 玛法里奥·怒风 Malfurion Stormrage 玛维·影歌 Maiev Shadowsong 卡德加 Khadgar ...

2.影歌悉的或是新登场的人物在魔兽的世界中一同奋战。当阿萨斯和玛维.影歌(Maiev Shadowsong) 暗夜精灵族最受争议的人物(她 …

3.玛翼夫·影歌 洛索玛·塞隆 [编辑] Lor'themar Theron 玛翼夫·影歌 [编辑] Maiev Shadowsong 玛法里恩·怒风 [编辑] Malfurion Stormrage ...

4.麦维影歌 ... 玛法里奥 Malfurion 麦维影歌 Maiev Shadowsong 梅尔加尼 Mal'Ganis ...


1.As Ilpdan set out with the naga, Warden Maiev Shadowsong began to hunt him.在伊利丹和那迦出发的同时,典狱官玛维·影歌也开始了对他的追捕。

2.One of the senior Sisters of , Maiev Shadowsong, had already shown her competence in guarding Ilpdan before he was brought to trial.一位资深的艾露恩姐妹会成员,玛维·影歌,在伊利丹被审判前就已经表现了足够胜任守卫的能力。

3.To ensure his brother's containment, Malfurion empowered the young warden, Maiev Shadowsong, to be Ilpdan's personal jailor.为确保他兄弟的监禁,玛法里奥授权年轻的典狱官玛维·影歌为伊利丹的专职守卫。

4.Maiev Shadowsong: I hear dark whispering beyond this gate. It could be Ilpdan and his minions.玛维。影歌:我听到从这扇大门后传来黑暗的低语声。可能就是伊利丹和他的奴仆们。

5.Maiev Shadowsong: You have much to pay for, Ilpdan. I'm taking you back to your cell.玛维。影歌:你有很多债要还,伊利丹。我要把你关回地牢里去。

6.Maiev Shadowsong: Destroy that barrier so our forces outside can join us!玛维。影歌:清除这些障碍,这样外面的部队就可以和我们汇合了!

7.Maiev Shadowsong: Yes, the power of Sargeras. You would claim it as your own!玛维。影歌:不错,萨格拉斯的力量。你想把它占为己有!

8.Maiev Shadowsong: Gul'dan led them bpndly to their deaths. Still, they hunger for revenge.玛维。影歌:古尔丹让这些兽人白白地送死。这些兽人的亡灵,始终渴望着复仇。