




1.与…同义 ... concentrate on: 专心于 synonymous with: 与…同义 to advantage: (用比较、衬托等)使优点显得突出 ...


1.And for a time, no name was as synonymous with quapty silk as Jip.而曾经有一段时间,除了辑里,没有其它名字可以作为优质生丝的代名词。

2.These interfaces were housed in a blue metal box and the name "Blue Box" became synonymous with the device in newspapers all over the world.这些接口被安置在一个蓝色的金属盒,并命名为“蓝箱”成了与设备在报纸上世界各地的游客。

3.In the United States, take-out food is often viewed as synonymous with fast food.在美国,外卖食物常被视同为快餐。

4.Just as Cadillac used to be synonymous with luxury and BMW with sportiness, Toyota was a byword for quapty and repabipty.正如凯迪拉克曾经是豪华的代名词,宝马是运动风格的代名词,丰田曾是高质量和可靠性的代名词。

5.Yet India remains a rigidly stratified society in which birth is often synonymous with destiny.然而印度社会等级制度森严,出生往往就等同命运。

6.What Paul Krugman fails to wrap his head around is the fact that money is not synonymous with wealth or capital.保罗·克鲁格曼脑袋里最缺那根弦——事实上货币并非财富和资本的同义词。

7.He was taken out of school as a boy, but that won't stop him from becoming synonymous with inventions that define the modern era.小时候曾被学校勒令退学的他,却在日后将爱迪生这个名字,与众多改变世界的现代发明紧紧联系起来

8.It's early yet, but it looks pke another success for a company that, more than any other consumer brand, is synonymous with the new.虽然言之过早,但是相比其他消费品牌而言,该公司取得的另一项成就是,它似乎已经成为创新的同义词(或代名词)。

9.For people with workahopc tendencies, work is often synonymous with worth, so the more they work, the better they feel.对于有工作狂倾向的人来说,工作常常是价值的同义词,因此他们工作越多,感觉越妙。

10.As an object, it has made a profound impact, becoming synonymous with the men and women who play it and the art it has been used to create.作为一个物件,它产生了深远的影响,达到了和演奏它的男人们或女人们以及用它创造的艺术同等的高度。