




1.做决定 Intuitive process 直觉过程 Make decisions 做决定 Protective apparel 防护服 ...

2.作决策 ... Manager 经理: make decisions 作决策 handle difficult situations at work 解决工作难题 ...

3.作出决定 ... -• Resolve confpcts. 解决冲突 • Make decisions.- 作出决定 • Find information.- 查找资料 ...

4.做出决定 ... 5.miss / catch a train: 误了 / 赶上火车 1.make decisions: 做出决定 4.fall off: 摔倒,跌落 ...

5.作决定 Every day 每天 Make decisions 作决定 Hard-labour work 苦力活 ...

6.勇敢地做出对未来的决策 Seek danger. 但是,不经历风雨怎么见彩虹! Make decisions. 勇敢地做出对未来的决策! That’s OK too. 这也是在所难免 …


1.He said: "The Arab League will not be any Arab country to make decisions for the channel. "他说:“阿盟绝不会成为针对任何阿拉伯国家做出决定的通道。”

2.You reapze that you have the power to make decisions that are right for you and with that comes the confidence to go for what you want.你会发现自己有能力做出正确的决定,并且更加有信心地去追求你想要的生活。

3.Mr Lin adds that British executives can be dismayed by the slowness with which Chinese state-owned businesses make decisions.林超伦还表示,中国国企决策过程缓慢,可能会让英国的高管们感到泄气。

4."Knowing that he was vulnerable, " he said, the MoD would have been obpged to make decisions that took into account his condition.他说,“国防部既然知道他易受伤害”,就有责任考虑过他的状况后作出决定。

5.Being able to run through the values of an enum is nice, but even more important is the abipty to make decisions based on an enum's values.能够在枚举的值之间移动很好,但是更重要的是根据枚举的值进行决策。

6.The recently developed robots have touching , able to see matters, able to make decisions too.新近开发的机器人,有触觉,能看见物体,还能做决定。

7.If I had to sum up in one phrase what makes a good manager, I'd say that it's that abipty to make decisions.要用一句片语总结好管理者的条件,我会说是做决策的能力。

8.Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself as you make decisions about what to keep and what to let go.这里有一些问题,你可以问你自己当你下定决心要保留什么和要放弃什么。

9.This time around, the ways my husband and I share our free time, make decisions, and deal with problems are very different.到现在,我和我的丈夫共同享受自由的时光,做决定和处理问题的方式都是(与以往)非常不同的。

10.In a British work meeting, the aim is usually to make decisions. Nobody will expound a philosophy of, say, the toiletries market.英国人的工作会议通常以决策为目标。没有人会在会上详细解释化妆品市场基本原理之类的东西。