




1.制造噪音 26.极端的人 extreme guy 27.制造噪音 making noise 28.吵闹的 noisy ...

2.不断的制造噪音 ... Something's got me 有些东西让我 Making noise,teasing boys 不断的制造噪音,挑逗男孩 ...

3.发出吵声 adj. 吵杂的, 聒噪的 Making noise: 发出吵声: a small,noisy dog. 一只小的、吵闹的狗 ...


1.Long before children are able to understand or speak a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noise.在儿童能够表达和理解一种语言之前,他们是通过面部表情和声音来进行沟通的。

2."Hacking used to be about making noise. Now it's about staying silent, " says Greg Day of McAfee, a vendor of IT security products.IT安全产品厂家McAfee的GregDay说道:“黑客攻击行为过去关注于闹腾一番,然而现在却偏于保持沉默。”

3.It is the artist from world making noise the thing which the casting comes out with in his own soul tribulation.它是艺术家从世界的喧嚣和他自身灵魂的磨难中铸造出来的东西。

4.Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expression and by making noise.儿童能说或者理解一种语言之前,他们通过面部表达和一些声音交流。

5.She's such an old crab, always scolding us for making noise, chewing gum, not doing our homework.她真是只老螃蟹,老是斥责我们有噪音、嚼口香糖、不做家庭作业。

6.He doesn't love Tibet. Only the Chinese Government and people love and care about Tibet. He's just a loser making noise here. Pathetic.他才不爱西藏。只有中国政府和中国人民才热爱关心西藏。他只是个落败乱吠的狗而已。真可怜。

7.He screamed at the children for making noise.他因孩子们发出吵闹声而朝他们大叫大嚷。

8.Shes such an old crab, always scolding us for making noise, chewing gum, not doing our homework.她真是只老螃蟹,老骂我们不安静、吃口香糖、不做家庭作业。

9.The children are making noise outside. What is happening?孩子们在外面吵闹,发生什么事了?

10.He said his stomach was making noise.他说他的肚子饿得咕噜叫。