


美式发音: 英式发音: [æn'θiːsɪs]





n.1.the opening of a flower bud2.the period of time between the opening of a flower and the formation of the fruit

1.开花 antherozoid 游动精子 anthesis 开花 anthocyan 花色素 ...

2.开花期 antherozoid 游动精子 anthesis 开花期 anthill 蚁丘 ...

3.花开期 ... antherozoid 游动精子 anthesis 开花,花开期(指单花) anthocarp 掺花果 ...

4.开花s antherozoid 游动精子; anthesis 开花s anthocyanidin 花青素i& ...

5.伊卡·路斯 ... 奥丽侬 aopnong 伊卡·路斯 Anthesis 衣馨 SuperTrash ...


1.Leaf buds present in axils of at least proximal leaves, sometimes developing into sterile, leafy shoots by anthesis.叶芽宿存下部叶,有时发展成为不育的至少的在腋处,叶状枝以开花期。

2.The results were as follows: (3-days after anthesis) The ovules of the two cultivars began to grow . quickly.结果表明:花后3天胚珠即开始迅速生长,共生长的最终大小依品种成熟期的不同而各异。

3.Tattoo: Permanent mark or design made on the Body by pigment introduced through ruptures anthesis.纹身:指刺破皮肤而在创口敷用颜料使身上带有永久性的记号或花纹图案。

4.Bracts lanceolate to pnear-lanceolate, caducous at anthesis; ovary often glabrous; drupe compressed globose to transversely shortly oblong.苞片披针形的到线状披针形,早落的在花期;子房通常无毛;核果扁球状与长圆形的横向短。

5.bracts brownish to greenish brown, suborbicular, papery, persistent or caducous after anthesis, margin glandular serrate.对褐绿色带褐色,近圆形,纸质的苞片,宿存或早落在花后,边缘具腺锯齿。

6.Racemes capitate at anthesis, elongated or not after flowering.总状花序头状的在花期,拉长或而不是花后。

7.perianth segments free nearly to base, spreading during anthesis and afterward spirally contorted, inner segments wider than outer.花被片近基部离生,在花期平展和后来螺旋旋转状,内部的裂片比外部的宽。

8.bract absent. Flowers bisexual, usually nodding at anthesis, ascending in fruit, spreading funnelform.苞片无花两性,通常有节的在花期,在果期上升,平展漏斗状。

9.The growth period of Mitrastemon can be divided into four stages: bud, anthesis (androecium and gynoecium), fruit, and seed.花朵发育阶段可分成出芽期、雄蕊期、雌蕊期、果实期与种子期。

10.Annual, lacking non-flowering shoots at anthesis; spikelets obovate-cuneate; glumes firm, inflated.一年生草本,缺乏的非花嫩枝在花期;小穗倒卵形楔形;颖片公司,膨大。