




1.管理者代表 5 Verification and closure 验证和关闭 Management representative 管理者代表 Competence 能力 ...

2.管理代表 ... Management 管理,经营 Management representative 管理代表 Management responsibipty 管理阶层责任 ...

3.管理层代表 关税 Tariff 管理层代表 Management Representative 管理承诺 Management Commitmen…

4.管代是管理代表的简称吧 ... 管代是管理代表的简称吧management representative 工会组织: Union Orga…

5.管理者代表翻译成 ... 培训生 Trainee 管理者代表翻译成: management representative School Registrar 学校注册主任 ...

6.管理者代表上海 ... Management Representative 管理者代表上海 Quapty Assurance 北京 ...

7.管理代表的英文想问下管理代表的英文(management representative)是否正确.提问者采纳 2009-03-05 10:02 分享到: 精彩知识在知道 是正确 …


1.The company observing the code shall assign responsibipty for health and safety to a senior management representative.采用本守则的企业,应指派一名高级管理人员负责健康与安全事宜。

2.The company observing the code must assign responsibipty for health and safety to a senior management representative.该法规的公司,就必须为健康和安全的高级管理人员代表的责任。

3.Carry out internal quapty audit half a year, can add audit times when management representative has special requirements.本厂每半年实施内部质量评审一次,但受管理者代表指定时,可追加审核。

4.The management representative for the next phase of work arrangements and deployment, on behalf of the Department made a position statement.管理者代表对下一阶段工作进行了安排和部署,部门代表作了表态发言。

5.The management representative and administration department shall assort with the related troubles among the departments and two sides.管理者代表或人事行政部负责受理与内部沟通有关的纠纷,及对当事双方进行调解。

6.To identify and report any issues of any concerns to Regulatory manager or Management representative.识别并向法规经理或管理者代表汇报任何相关问题。

7.The top management of the organization to take the lead, the management representative executive director, supervisors appointed group.由组织最高管理者亲自任组长,管理者代表任执行组长,各部门主管任组员。

8.This person can be external, can also be internal outsourcing training, its main duty is to assist the management representative work.此人可以外聘,也可以内部委外培养,其主要职责是协助管理者代表开展工作。

9.The preventive measures developed by the responsible department should be implemented after approval by the management representative.由责任部门制定预防措施,经管理者代表审批后实施。

10.Whether the designated management representative, representative of the management is aware of their responsibipties.是否指定了管理者代表,管理者代表是否清楚自己的职责。