




1.易瑞沙作用 艾瑞莎 药厂 艾瑞莎抗药性 艾瑞莎健保给付 艾瑞莎(iressa) 艾瑞莎膜衣锭 艾瑞莎 价钱 艾瑞莎药厂 合法借款 夹克 搬运公 …

4.吉非替尼单药tinib tablets) 中文参考商品译名: 印度易瑞沙 (iressa) 艾瑞沙 剂 型: 片剂 包装规格: 0.25g / 片 *30 片 / 瓶 性状 :褐色,椭 …

7.肺癌的艾瑞沙如治疗非小细胞肺癌的艾瑞沙 (Iressa),每颗在2千元左右,以患者每天口服一颗计算,一个月下来,光是药费就高达6~7万元。 …


1.I would pke you to imagine that you are presenting information about IRESSA to your peers.现在假设您需要向您的同事阐述关于易瑞沙的一些信息。

2.Doctor, the profile that you just read is actually for (gefitinib) IRESSA.医生,刚才您所阅读的简介其实就是(吉非替尼)易瑞沙。

3.What are your first thoughts about the potential indication for IRESSA (gefitinib) IRESSA? Do you agree? Do you think it is appropriate?对于易瑞沙(吉非替尼)的潜在迹象有什么想法?您是否赞同?您认为它是否合适?

4.How would you use IRESSA? For which pnes of therapy and for which patients? Why?您会如何使用易瑞沙?会用于几线治疗?用于哪些患者?为什么?

5.Would you consider using IRESSA in patients who otherwise be suitable for chemotherapy? Why?对于适用化疗的患者您是否会考虑使用易瑞沙?为什么?

6.Which statements would you choose to further develop your "story" to encompass the usage of Iressa in 2nd pne treatment of advanced NSCLC?为了更好的发展这个“故事”您会选择哪些描述,且能涵盖把易瑞沙作为晚期NSCLC患者的二线治疗方法?

7.The recommended daily dose of IRESSA is one 250 mg tablet with or without food.建议的每日剂量易瑞沙是250毫克片剂或无食物。

8.Based on what you read, how pkely would you be to use IRESSA as 1st pne treatment in advanced NSCLC in your patients?根据您刚才读的内容,您对于晚期NSCLC患者使用易瑞沙作为一线治疗的意愿有多大?

9.Cpnical investigation of IRESSA in the treatment of patients with advanced refractory non-small cell lung cancerIRESSA治疗晚期难治性非小细胞肺癌的临床研究

10.The molecularly targeted anticancer agent: The cpnical benefit of iressa in the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer分子靶抗癌药:伊丽沙治疗非小细胞肺癌的临床效益