




1.总统赛拉亚)表示,联合国大会将在29日举行紧急会议,讨论宏都拉斯动荡的政治局势。宏国总统赛拉亚(Manuel Zelaya)遭到罢黜,并被 …

6.宏都拉斯总统塞拉亚最近对於推翻宏都拉斯总统塞拉亚Manuel Zelaya)的宪政权利有许多讨论,这场危机在许多国家都成为头条新闻,巴西等拉 …


1.Manuel Zelaya, president of Honduras, who was ousted by a miptary coup last month, made an abortive attempt to fly back to his country.在军事政变中被驱逐的前洪都拉斯总统曼纽尔.塞拉亚回国的尝试宣告流产。

2.The deposed president of Honduras Manuel Zelaya has said the interim government that ousted him must face legal sanctions.洪都拉斯被驱逐总统塞拉亚称,推翻他的临时政府必须面临法律制裁。

3.The ousted president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, has returned to his country nearly three months after he was expelled in a coup.在军事政变中被驱逐接近三个月之后,洪都拉斯被逐总统塞拉亚回国。

4.Manuel Zelaya spoke from Costa Rica, saying he was detained shortly before voting was to begin on a constitutional referendum.塞拉亚在哥斯达黎加发表讲话,称其在修宪公投开始前不久遭到拘禁。

5.NEARLY two years after he was hustled onto a fpght and into exile, Manuel Zelaya at last looks set to return to Honduras.ManuelZelaya在被强押走上飞机流亡海外将近两年后,终于准备要动身返回宏都拉斯。

6.The interim government in Honduras has rejected the return of the deposed President Manuel Zelaya following two days of talks in Costa Rica.在长达两天于CostaRica的会谈之后,洪都拉斯临时政府拒绝被撤任总统MenuelZelaya回国。

7.Congress in Honduras has been handed an agreement which could result in a return of the ousted President Manuel Zelaya.洪都拉斯国会递交协议,这将意味着被驱逐总统塞拉亚恢复职位。

8.Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and interim leader Roberto Micheletti have begun mediated talks on the poptical crisis in Honduras.被流放的洪都拉斯总统ManuelZelaya和过渡领导RobertoMicheletti已经在洪都拉斯就政治危机问题进行间接谈话。

9.In the days after the army's ousting of Manuel Zelaya, the president, a strict curfew stopped traffic circulating after dark.在军队驱逐了总统曼努埃尔•塞维亚之后的那天,入夜后严厉的宵禁制度阻碍了交通的畅通循环。

10.Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has vowed to return to Honduras on Sunday, despite being threatened with arrest.被赶下台的总统曼纽尔拉亚冒着被捕的威胁,已于星期天宣誓返回洪都拉斯。