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un.1.third longest river in England. It rises at Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire, and flows into the North Sea via the Humber estuary.

1.特伦特 Wilfrid Laurier/ 劳里埃大学 Trent/ 特伦特大学 Lethbridge/ 莱斯布里奇大学 ...

3.遄达该性能改进包能够提 高其遄达Trent)700 发动机的效率及环保性能。 国泰航空公司将采用EP(Enhanced Performance,指 …

4.特伦特河  今年早期由于污染物顺流而下排放,造成特伦特河Trent)里的数千条鱼死亡。在过去十年里,诸如塞文河(Severn)、特伦 …

5.特兰托1545年至1563年近二十年时间,在意大利的特兰托Trent)接连召开了三次宗教大会,确定正式的教义。在这些教义中,天主 …

6.特伦托在意大利,1545年特伦托Trent)会议后,作曲家们不得不回归较精简的表现手法,例如帕莱斯特里那(Palestrina)那种清 …

7.川特川特(Trent)和蒙茨卡(Monczka)将企业采购战略细分为五个阶段:第一个阶段,只进行国内采购;第二个阶段,根据需要开展国 …


1.About all I could do was ask Trent Lott not to be too hard on her and offer to be Hillary's caseworker for Westchester County.我能做的只有请特伦特·洛特对她不要那么严厉,并主动请缨做希拉里在韦斯切斯特县的办案员。

2.You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him?如果崔特是个大烂人你干嘛跟他在一起?

3.After whispering some instructions, he turns his back to the boy. Trent eagerly places his hands on his father's shoulders.对儿子低声叮咛几句之后,转过身子,特伦特立即把手搭在爸爸的肩上。

4.Twenty years ago there had been one of the greatest of the Evil Magicians: a young man named Trent.二十年前,这里出了一个法力无边的邪恶魔法师,一个名叫特伦特的青年。

5.Trent is not the only goat to pick up the amazing talent - zoo visitors can also catch his friends exhibiting their own work, too.伦特并不是该动物园唯一有绘画才能的山羊,游客们也能遇到他的画友们展示作品的时候。

6.I got this idea from my friend Trent at The Simple Dollar, who automatically deducts $20 a week from his check to savings.这是我从一个朋友那里得到的灵感,他每个星期会总东从支票帐户中转存20美金到储蓄账户。

7.The trent last case "as a classical masterpieces, opens the mystery novels of the golden age. Plot, it turns the last case number torn. "《特伦特最终一案》作为经典名作,开启了推理小说的黄金时代。情节峰回路转,最终一案数破。

8.Trent Ceramics brings you wish to Santa forever rich, rich and prosperous, pke the fresh source of endless, always.愿我们的陶瓷带给您永远的富裕、丰盛和繁荣,像鲜活的源头,源源不绝,永不间断。

9.Trent would pke to see the technology spread among companies as an open-source solution.特伦特希望该技术可以作为一种开源的解决方案在公司间共享。

10.The company said it had received more than $4. 5bn of orders for Trent 700 engines since July.该公司表示,自7月份以来已接到超过45亿美元的遄达700型发动机订单。