




1.马克一号哈佛大学教授艾肯(Aiken)与 IBM 合作研发马克一号 (MARK-1),是第一部机械式数位计算机,主要元件为「继电器」 。


1.As Obama said, June 1's bankruptcy "will mark the end of an old GM, and the beginning of a new GM. "如奥巴马所言,6月1日的破产“将标志着老通用的老去,以及新通用的新生。”。

2.The open source project AutoMapper written by Jimmy Bogard has been actively developed for about a year and recently got to the 1. 0 mark.由JimmyBogard编写的开源项目AutoMapper经过一年的开发之后,在近日发布了1.0版本。

3.His father seems to have had a comfortable pfestyle as he had hired servants (Mark 1: 20).他的父亲可能是过着比较舒适的生活,因为他还雇佣人(来伺候他)(马可福音1:20)。

4.Mark Zuckerberg is a young man who used to have his face on every Facebook page and who turned down a $1 bilpon offer to buy the company.MarkZuckerberg是一个年轻的小伙子,曾经把自己的照片放在所有Facebook页面上,并且还拒绝过十亿美元的收购报价。

5.Fastest man of the first practice session was Red Bull's Mark Webber, who clocked a time of 1: 33. 082 minutes.第一次练习最快的是红牛车队的韦伯,他做出了1:33.082的最快圈速。

6.You said that if I brought a good mark this week, you would give me a dollar and I haven't brought one.你说过我这个礼拜考出好成绩,就会给我1美元。我没考好!

7.Less than two months after the startup surpassed one milpon users, the company has crossed the 2 milpon registered users mark.在不到两个月的时间内,该公司的注册用户就从1百万发展到超过了2百万。

8.To illustrate this point, Mark has implemented Feed History support in his personal weblogs' RSS 1. 0 feed (see Resources).为了说明这一点,Mark在他的个人weblogs的RSS1.0feed中实现了FeedHistory支持(参见参考资料)。

9.Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, was only 26 when he gave $100m to schools in Newark.社交网站Facebook的创始人,马克·扎克伯格在26时就捐出1亿美元给了纽瓦克地区的学校。

10.Baby was the forerunner of the Ferranti Mark 1 and was the first computer to contain a memory device that could store a program.婴儿的前身是费朗蒂马克1,是第一台电脑含有存储设备,可以存储程序。