




1.市场资本行 (Fifth Third Bank)的每一家的市值都 (Market Capital) 超过200亿美元。


1.Still others warn that access to market capital requires a form of collective insurance, preferably in the form of a euro bond.此外,还有一些人警告说,从市场上获得资金的途径需要一定形式的集体保障,最好是以欧元债券的形式。

2.But because of the incomplete opening of the A-share market, capital cannot be withdrawn by the adjustment of A-share investments.但由于不完全开放的A股市场,资金不能撤回的调整,A股投资。

3.Multi-level capital market capital is necessary for the healthy development of the institutional basis.多层次的资本市场结构是资本市场健康发展的的必要制度基础。

4.We analyze and conclude 3 factors which lead to hot issue market: capital demand, information asymmetry, investor sentiment.在这一部分,文章分析、归纳了影响IPO热市现象的三个主要因素:资本需求,信息不对称水平,投资者投资热情。

5.In addition to market, capital is another basic factor in the chains of film industry.除了市场之外,资本是产业链中的另一个基本要素。

6.Nokia best Motorola last year as the world's top mobile phone maker with a market capital of around US $ 100 bilpon.去年,诺基亚摩托罗拉公司,成为世界上最大的移动电话制造商,拥有市场资本越1000万亿元。

7.Internal Capital Market; Capital Concentration Management; financial company; settlement center. ;内部资本市场理论;资金集中管理;财务公司;结算中心;

8.the problems of financial intermediations represents in the commercial banks, Money Market, Capital Market and The Foreign Exchange Market;金融中介的主要问题分别体现在商业银行、货币市场、资本市场和外汇市场上;

9.Chinese state-owned media breaking their way toward market capital国有传媒正走出自己的资本之路

10.The Entrancing Point of Improving the Construction of Market Capital of China入世后我国资本市场结构优化切入点