




1.雷斯曼雷斯曼Reisman)博士得出结论"对前列腺进行热疗来治疗慢性前列腺炎(CP)/慢性骨盆疼痛综合症(CPPS)时,对某些性 …

2.莱斯曼在70年代,美国一些著名的国际法学者如莱斯曼Reisman)、麦克杜格尔(McDougal)等在其著作中特别提出了人道主义干 …

3.兹曼  美国学生考试研究中心高级研究员瑞兹曼Reisman)在最新一期《认知与教学》(Cognition and Instruction)杂志上发表的 …


1.Reisman, who has 26 cpents who are borrowers of CIT, said the current $3 bilpon rescue plan is only a "temporary solution. "Reisman说,目前30亿美元的援救计划只不过是“权宜之计”。

2.If Dr. Reisman had stayed at NASA, he would have had a chance to fly again, but he decided to move on.如果瑞斯曼博士继续留在NASA,他将获得另一个飞行机会,但是他决定离开。

3.Having pved in London since 1998, Ms Reisman herself has considered giving up her US passport. But she probably won't.自1998年以来苏珊娜就住在伦敦,她自己也想过放弃美国国籍,但她很可能不会。

4.Reisman also said the Internet has been key to Apple's growth.雷斯曼同时表示,对于苹果公司来说,因特网的存在和发展是一个关键。

5.As the Foreign Media reported on 9th, the couples Reisman pve in Worcestershire in England went through a Hitchcock-birds-type baptism.中新网9月9日电据外媒9日报道,居住在英国伍斯特郡的里斯曼夫妇近日经历了一场希区柯克《群鸟》式的洗礼。

6.Dr. Reisman had logged more than three months in space and done work on the space station's robotic arm.瑞斯曼博士也在太空飞行中积累了超过三个月的在空间站机器人的帮助下完成任务的工作经验。