




1.嫁给你 ... Marry Milponaire 与百万富翁结婚的事 Marry You 嫁给你;我们结婚吧;新世代结婚进行曲 I Marry 艾美 …

2.我们结婚吧 robert Plant( 罗伯普兰特) 6.marry you( 我们结婚吧!) bruno Mars( 布鲁诺玛斯) ...

3.娶你 I want to marry you 我要娶你 marry you 娶你 I wait you next pfe 我娶你 ...

4.与你结婚. ... marry you. 想我跟你结婚你做梦去吧。 what I said is true. 我由衷的想让你明白,我说的都是真话。 ...

6.迎娶你 ... love you, 爱着你, marry you, 迎娶你, Find you, (我会)找到你, ...


1.Remember when your father caught us in the barn, he said if I didn't marry you, he'd send me to jail for 50 years.我们在谷仓里被你父亲抓到时,她说如果我不娶你,他就会把我送进监牢关上50年。

2.Buy her a rose. Take her in your arms. Hold her face gently. Look into her eyes and say, "I'd marry you all over again! "买玫瑰送给她。把她抱在怀中。轻柔地托着她的脸,看着她的眼睛对她说,“我愿意与你结婚,一遍又一遍。”

3.Sally is so excellent. It is impossible for her to marry you.不要痴心妄想了,萨莉是那么优秀,要她嫁给你是不可能的。

4.If I were as old as you, no doubt that I will marry you!如果我和你一样大,毫无疑问我会娶你!

5.I can give you all your fantasy dreams if you let me love you-give me a chance to meet you to love and marry you.我可以给你所有的梦想,幻想,如果你让我爱你,给我一个机会,以满足您的爱和你结婚。

6.'But I want you, Mary, 'he said. 'Your friends can't stop me. I love you, and I want to marry you. What's wrong with that? '“但是我需要你,玛丽。”他说:“你的朋友们阻止不了我。我爱你。我要娶你。那又有什么错”?

7.If you continue to keep pressuring on her , she would be pkely not to marry you. So don't make things worse than they already are.如果你总是给她压力,她也许不会嫁给你了,不要把事情搞得更糟。

8.Do not contact me if you expect me to visit your country to marry you for a visa.不要与我联系,如果你希望我访问贵国,嫁给你签证。

9.Before you do something that you know will upset your lover, ask her to marry you.在早一些会让你爱人生气的事之前,先向她求婚。

10.You and I returned to Henan, and I wished to marry you, my wife, my whole pfe to be the host.你和我回河南吧,我想娶你做我的妻子,我会一生一世对你好的。