




1.我的噩梦 Chapter 4 - My Dream 我的梦想 Chapter 17 - My Nightmare 我的噩梦 Chapter 19 - My sorry and th 我的对不起和谢谢 ...

2.微积分次贝塞尔曲线(Cubic Bezier)。这些东西都是涉及了微积分My nightmare)的,我希望如果通过这个程序调动我对微积分的 …


1.Recently anxious, some tiny matters all sneak in as if my nightmare, the enlargement also are chaotic.最近心神不定,似乎一些细小的事全钻进我的梦魇,放大又混乱起来。

2.To have it go off during a performance and thoroughly embarrass myself is something that could have happened in my nightmare.在一场表演中让自己的手机响起,那是我毕生最丢脸的一场恶梦。

3.Here's my nightmare scenario: It takes Congress months to pass a stimulus plan, and the legislation that actually emerges is too cautious.这是我的噩梦情景:国会需要几个月来通过经济刺激计划,而实际产生的法令又过于谨慎。

4.Has finally come to New Delhi, a black guy sat in the seat between us. Thank God, my nightmare ended.终于到了新德里,上来一个黑人小伙坐在了我们中间,谢天谢地,我的噩梦结束了。

5.Your voice woke me up from my nightmare.你的嗓音把我从我的梦魇中唤醒。

6.Everything has been dead and buried when I was broken from my nightmare in midnight.午夜,我突然惊醒,发现原来只是恶梦一现。

7.Oh, below is my nightmare. Ants in my honey jar.还有,以下简直是我的恶梦,蚂蚁爬进我的蜂蜜罐。

8.Like punching in a dream breathing pfe into my nightmare在梦中一样呼吸生命冲进我的恶梦

9.Hello there, the angel from my nightmare你好,来自我恶梦中的天使

10.The angel from my nightmare来自我梦魇的天使