




1.马文盖 17混水( Muddy Watters) 18马文·盖伊( Marvin Gaye) 19地下丝绒( The Velvet Underground) ...

3.马文盖尔曲的感觉,这可能跟他受王子(Prince),马文.盖耶Marvin Gaye)和史蒂夫.旺德(Stevie Wonder)影响较深有关。

5.马尔文·盖伊 ... ) Muddy Watters 穆迪·沃特斯 ) Marvin Gaye 马尔文·盖伊 ) The Velvet Underground 地下丝绒 ...

6.盖马文不久前,摇滚乐歌星盖马文(Marvin Gaye)被他的父亲枪杀了。他的一个朋友说,作为一位名位排行榜首位的歌星,盖可以获得 …


1.Stop trying to make them grow up. Stop trying to shape them, criticize them, make them your own piece of clay, as Marvin Gaye said.就像马文盖伊说的不要揠苗助长,不要试图去给他们定型,更不要批评他们,或者成为你自己的艺术品。

2.As Marvin Gaye's voice floated through my room, I tossed into the air a baseball I once caught at a Yankees game.马文·盖伊的歌声弥漫在整个房间。我往空中抛了一个棒球,这个棒球是我曾经在一场洋基队的比赛中得到的。

3.Anyone that tries to tell you that Marvin Gaye couldn't sing doesn't know anything about singing.谁对你说马文盖伊不会唱歌,那他就对音乐一无所知。

4.Facebook serves me an ad for a Teddy Pendergrass album, maybe because I've psted Marvin Gaye as a "Like. "Facebook给我提供的广告是TeddyPendergrass唱片集,也许因为我把MarvinGaye列为“喜欢”。

5.Singer Marvin Gaye, 44, was shot to death by his father.年,44岁的歌手马文盖伊被他的父亲射杀身亡。

6.We can also see some other masters of soul music from his genius works, pke Stevie Wonder, Sam Cooke and Marvin Gaye.我们也可以从他的作品中看到许多灵骚音乐界大师的影子,象斯蒂夫旺达,山姆库克和马文盖伊。

7.Seen a show with Marvin Gaye last night昨天还看了一个好玩的表演