




1.王大师eacher Li)、“阿姨”(Auntie)、“王师傅”(Master Wang)这样的称呼? 17.为什么英语里没有“哥哥”、“姐姐”、“舅舅”等一类的固定 …

3.王动 金花( Golden flower) 王动( Master wang) 翠竹枪( Bamboo spear) ...


1.Master Wang from the Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism Group. Master Wang, if You could come up to give us a presentation tonight.圣密宗金刚禅佛教团体的王大师。王大师,请您今晚为我们在台上作一个开示。

2.As I said, this isn't one off. This is a very consistent support from Master Wang for the Olympic movement and for Tasmania, especially.正如我所说,此并非一毕捐助而已,而是来自王大师对奥运活动,特别对塔州人的很持久的支持。

3.Master Wang, Thank you for having us here, and a very happy Chinese New Year to each and everyone one of you.感谢您邀请我们来到这里,并希望您们每一位渡过一个非常愉快的中国新年!

4.Jin Gang Dhyana leader Master Wang Xin-De said the Year of the Tiger would bring achievement and advancement.金刚禅领袖王信得大师说虎年会带来成就和发展。

5.'You'll find that every bus has got a different set of movies, ' said a deputy station master, Wang Hui.车站副站长王辉(音)说,你会发现每辆车各有一套不同的影片。

6.At the moment Master Wang was fitting together some parts.这时候王师傅正在装配一些部件。

7.I just pke to take this opportunity now to past on the Premier's best wishes to you, Master Wang, and to your followers.我只想借此机会,现在向您,王师尊和您的信仰者传上州长的最美好的祝福。

8.Thank you Bhagavan Zhi Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master Wang, distinguished guests and delegates.感谢薄伽梵智及维摩诘宗师、客位贵宾以及代表。

9.Master Wang said today's hearing: Feng Shui Bagua mirror problem can be solved.今天听王大师说:八卦镜可以解决风水问题。

10.Master Wang's few easy and fluent talks won cheers from all the people.王师傅侃侃而谈,博得了大家的喝彩。