




1.交流工具 ... 跟上科学的发展 keep ahead of scientific advances 交流工具 communication tool 电信 telecommunication ...

2.沟通工具内容加上适当的发挥发表自己的看法和建议 1.手机是通讯工具(communication tool),是为了方便互相之间联系 2.不应该比手 …

4.通讯产品类别台湾浩汉公司设计的「大同VOIP无线网路电话」拿下通讯产品类别communication tool)银奖,仅次拿下金奖的iPhone; …

5.通讯类别;今年7月公布的美国IDEA设计大奖,他们再次获得通讯类别Communication tool)的银奖,仅次拿下金奖的iPhone!


1.The mobile phone as up-to-date mobile communication tool was now spread widely and beginning to replace the status of fixed telephone.手机作为现代移动通信工具已经广为普及,并已开始取代固定电话。

2.Sina has spent a considerable amount of time to understand microblog as a form of mass pubpc media instead of a communication tool.新浪曾经花费了相当多的时间去体会作为公共媒体的微博代替即时通信工具。

3.Men see the telephone as a communication tool for sending facts and information to other people, but a woman sees it as a means of bonding.男人把电话看作一种向他人传递各种事实和信息的交流工具,而女人则把它视为联络感情的手段。

4.Previously, the money is just a communication tool.以前,钱只是一个沟通的工具。

5.I love email, text messaging, and even smoke signals but I despise voice mail more than any other communication tool.电邮、短信,甚至是烟雾信号这种最古老的通信方式我都喜欢,可我就是不喜欢语音信件。

6.The toy can serve as "a communication tool" for the young and old, she said.她说,该玩具可谓老少咸宜的“沟通工具”。

7.The review is a communication tool for you and your manager to begin the conversation about your performance.绩效考核是你和上司之间就你的业绩展开对话的一个沟通工具。

8.In the modern birds, long and the gaudy tail feathers usually once in a while plant as the species the communication tool.在现代鸟类中,长而花哨的尾羽通常被作为物种间或种内信息交流的工具。

9.Interpreting, as an oral communication tool, serves as a bridge to faciptate the exchanges between parties who speak different languages.口译作为口头交流工具,是说不同语言的人们顺利交流的桥梁。

10.As a communication tool, it goes up as new people join who might be interesting to follow.作为一个交流工具,其价值也会随着新用户的加入而增加(你可以跟踪感兴趣的人)。