




1.吉他手必备配件 无 DVD 吉他手必备配件 Matata 最新推荐产品 New Products ...

2.太阳黑子 love 圣诞玫瑰 matata 太阳黑子 nuni 木司 ...

3.李美丹 ... dkbear 我喜欢这车 matata 李美丹 cookies 小牙儿 ...


5.彭彭 KING 、 Lion 、 狮子王 、 欢乐 、 Hakuna 、 Matata彭彭 、 彭彭与丁满历险记 、 狮子王插曲 The Lion King.. 狮子王 - ...

6.张兰亭 HIPHOP SEMI FI 张健 小胖 元元 张兰亭(MaTaTa) VS Cr…


1.Collection of love letters to a certain number will be able to cross the border Matata.收集到一定数量的情书就能过关啦。

2.With the left mouse button cpck on your favorite clothes, dragging her body, release the mouse, clothes to wear Matata.用鼠标左键点击你喜欢的衣服,拖动到她的身上,松开鼠标,衣服就穿上啦。

3.Mouse operation, according to the prompt order can be made to operate food Matata.鼠标操作,按照提示顺序操作即可做出美食啦。

4.Classic games do not have to introduce more Matata .经典的游戏,不用多介绍啦。

5.Game, the key is to master the opportunity to practice exercises will be more famipar with the Matata.游戏的关键是要掌握好时机,多练习练习就会熟悉啦。

6.Dragon Boat launching Matata, to the Dragon Boat Festival!龙舟下水啦,端午节来啦!

7.Simba: Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here. Look, sometimes bad things happen. . .辛巴:哈库拉,那嗒嗒。这是我在这儿学到的东西。你瞧,有时候一些不好的事情发生了……

8.First, the middle game is given the task icon, and you have to follow suit degree Oh, see Matata.首先,游戏中间给出了任务图示,你要照着做才行哦,看清楚啦。

9.if the bear , then it would take a long time matata.如果硬撑的话,那就要花很长的时间啦。

10.I thought our motto was, "Hakuna Matata" .我还以为我们的格言是“无忧无虑”