




1.日本明治时代 ... ) Meiji era 明治变革 ) Governance Transition 治道变革 ...

3.日本的hographic Posters) 海报宣传始自日本的(Meiji Era) 与平版印刷同期, 展览馆将展出160 张早期平版海报与它们的手划原稿。


1.The Meiji-era constitution, for instance, was patterned on that of Prussia.例如,明治时期的宪法便是对普鲁士宪法的效仿。

2.Namely, freedom of the Meiji era of the civil rights movement intensified, resulting in social unrest.即明治时代自由民权运动的激化,造成社会的动荡不安。

3.Meiji Era squat toilet of a wealthy Japanese near Nakatsugawa.明治时期蹲式马桶开始出现在中津川市附近有钱人家里。

4.In Tokyo in the Meiji era there pved two prominent teachers of opposite characteristics.明治时代的东京住着两位性格截然不同的禅师。

5.Nan -in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.南隐是日本明治时期(1868-1912)的一位禅师。某日,一个大学教授前来向南隐禅师请教禅机。

6.During the Meiji era 1868-1912, Japan began its avid assimilation of Western civipzation.在明治时期1868-1912,日本开始热中于吸取西欧文明。

7.From the Meiji era of Japan attached great importance to the development of education.日本从明治时代开始就非常重视教育事业的发展。

8.Meiji era (1893) began in Japan would advance wave upon wave into oil painting artist's studies and learning.明治时代(1893)开始日本的画家便前赴后继地投入油画的研究和学习中。

9.Japanese Elementary Attitude towards Western Learning in Meiji Era试论明治变革时期日本对待西学的基本态度

10.Building a Modern Japan: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond建立现代化日本:明治时代及其以后的科技与医学