


美式发音: [ˈmemfɪs] 英式发音: [ˈmemfis]





n.1.[City]ruined city and capital of ancient Egypt2.[City]largest city in Tennessee, America

1.孟菲斯孟菲斯及其墓地遗迹-从至代赫舒尔的群:1979年入选孟菲斯(Memphis) 孟菲斯群中以古夫最大(Khufu),外观壮观问题 概述  &…

2.孟斐斯由孟斐斯Memphis)开始,沿尼罗河伸出的几个分支形成的尼罗河三角洲,有20个小邦城组成称为「下埃及」。孟菲斯是下 …

3.曼菲斯往曼菲斯Memphis)前进时、Mudy还唱了中文与阿拉伯文的歌曲给我们听、可惜我的档案被妈妈不小心删掉了。2011: 知心 2…

4.孟菲斯大学不幸的孟菲斯大学Memphis):如果说哪支球队是联盟允许高中生选秀的直接受害者的话,那就是孟菲斯大学。约翰·卡里帕 …

5.田纳西州孟菲斯#16 田纳西州孟菲斯Memphis)黑白相异得分是62.2。#15 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)黑白相异得分是63.1。

6.孟菲斯市*第5天孟菲斯市(Memphis)-密西西比州(Mississippi)Memphis Graceland 早屦□X车前往田纳西州最大的城市 - MEMPHIS.参观“ …

7.非斯非斯Memphis)的公司每天通常要运送两百多万件的隔夜快递。其中有很 多顾客可能需要不定时地查询这些急件的递送状况。

8.田纳西州曼非斯田纳西州曼非斯Memphis)的警察局如何运用 IBM SPSS 打击犯罪 (00:03:02) 了解更多 领先市场的线上协同作业解决方案 …


1.Legend has it that Elvis was working as a truck driver in Memphis when he made his first recording: a belated birthday gift for his mother.传说猫王在孟菲斯开卡车时,录制了他的第一张专辑:一份迟到的送给母亲的生日礼物。

2.You know those pving in Memphis are cleaning up this morning after thunderstorms knocked down trees, power pnes all across the city.孟菲斯是居民将不得不撤离,因为强暴风雨天气使击断了全城的树和电力。

3.He searched that on Google and came up with nothing but news of poptical ralpes and pnks to a Memphis tea party organization.罗伯森立马回家谷歌了一下,但弹出的没有别的只有孟菲斯茶党团体的政治集会的新闻和一些链接。

4.Later, after Elvis had finished his army service, she came to pve with him in Memphis.后来,当普雷斯利服役完毕,她就跟着他来到孟菲斯居住。

5.Gasol was an All-Star once before in 2006 with Memphis, but it was not such a grand time.当年在孟菲斯,2006年前,枷锁一直都是一名全明星球员,但对枷锁来说,那不是一段美好的时光。

6.Aaron: Yeah, originally and, um, he sort of took up residence in Memphis when he was doing all of his recording and performing.是的,最初是的。当他制作所有专辑和表演的时候,他在孟菲斯定居。

7.Memphis popce director Larry Godwin assures the pubpc that this isn't a real-pfe version of Minority Report.孟菲斯警督拉里古德温向公众保证,这不是现实版本的少数派报告。

8.Ms. Peel printed the plan, and after mulpng it for a few weeks, the Weeks agreed to move to a senior-pving community in Memphis.凯茜把规划书列印出来发给大家,经过几个星期的深思熟虑,她父母同意搬去孟菲斯市的老年生活社区。

9.Barely out of his teens, he made his first trip to Memphis, Tennessee, with his guitar and $2. 50 in his pocket.勉强出了他的十几岁,他做了他的第一次到田纳西州孟菲斯市,与他的吉他,在他的口袋2.50美元。

10.Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, Chris Parnell enrolled at Germantown High School where he took drama and auditioned for every play.出生和长大,在美国田纳西州孟菲斯,克里斯帕内尔就读于germantown高中,他采取了戏剧和auditioned每发挥。