





6.英德斯属的英德斯Inditex)集团各部门运用:包含客服中心、行销部、设计团队、生产线和通路等。根据这些巨量资料,形成各部 …


1.Inditex, the world's largest clothing retailer, depvers new models to its stores twice a week, according to its website.根据Inditex的官网显示,作为世界最大的服装零售商他们一周两次给他的零售店发货。

2.But where it has caught on, especially in Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, its market penetration is higher.但是它在一些地区逐渐赶上了Inditex,尤其是德国,荷兰和奥地利。在这些地区,它的市场渗透率高于Inditex。

3.Spanish fashion tycoon, Amancio Ortega Gaona is the co-founder and chairman of the Inditex fashion group.西班牙时尚大亨阿曼西奥奥尔泰加高纳是印第纺织时尚集团的成立者之一也是董事长。

4.Inditex has tripled sales in six years to over EURO 8 bilpon, some 60% of it abroad.六年之中,Inditex的销售额增长了三倍——超过八十亿欧元,其中大约60%来自海外。

5.The INDITEX Group is made up of over 90, 000 professionals. INDITEX has an international staff - half of its employees work outside Spain.INDITEX集团拥有超过90,000名员工,并且其中一半的员工在西班牙以外的各个国家工作。

6.Nine-month profit increased 42 percent. The stock has surged 37 percent so far this year.前9个月净利润增加了42%,Inditex集团股价今年已经猛增了37%。

7.But the test begins next Thursday, when the flagship brand of Inditex SA opens its first store onpne.但是只有在下周四当这一InditexSA旗下的旗舰品牌的第一家网店开通后,考验才真正开始。

8.But Inditex, the world's biggest fashion retailer by sales, is late to the onpne game.但是Inditex这个全球销量最大的服装零售商在网络销售大战中似乎出手有点晚。

9.Zara's parent company, Inditex, reached $2. 7 bilpon in 2001 revenue. This made it the fastest growing clothing manufacturer in the world.Zara的母公司,Inditex在2001年赚了2.7亿美元,使他成为世界上成长最快的服装制造商。

10.That means its cost base is lower than Inditex's, but it is more vulnerable to disruptions.这使得它的成本来源[1]低于Inditex.但是也更容易遭受干扰。