




1.金属乐 英式摇滚【 Brit Rock'n'Roll】 金属乐Metal Music】 先锋/民族民谣【 Pioneer/Folk Music】 ...

2.金属音乐 Karen 卡伦经典白118系列 Metal music 金属音乐118系列 TCL/ 罗格朗 ...

3.金属狂潮 ... 非主小众音乐 |Non-Mainstream Music 金属狂潮 |Metal Music 泛西欧乐 |Pan-European Music ...

4.金属哥特流金 英伦摇滚朋克 Brit pop Pun 金属哥特流金 Metal Music 华语流行音乐 Pop Music ...

5.我听过有人演奏 ... 很没金属的 FU 我听过有人演奏 Metal Music 给 steelrendjass ...

6.又说.by the judgement of 40000 metal fans around me , we 're doing fin...


1.Three high school PUNKS pass a joint around. They get into a black Mustang. Heavy metal MUSIC BLARES as they pull away.三个高中小阿飞传递着吸食大麻香烟。他们钻进一辆黑色野马。重金属音乐紧随他们的离去而奏响。

2.By the time the death metal music starts up, dozens appear to have either died or suffered critical injuries.死亡的金属音乐响过,只见数十人要么惨死,要么重伤。

3.Well for starters, Doro's beautifully powerful voice melds so well with the heavy metal music the rest of the band was playing.为初学者,多罗的强大,音质优美的声音融合了如此出色的重金属音乐,乐队的其余部分被打的。

4.Headbanging is a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in time with music, most commonly heavy metal music.有点像摇头舞那种,跟着强烈的音乐节奏甩头跳舞,主要是那种重金属音乐。

5.In the distillation process, electrical vibrations are recorded in the water that creates geometry not unpke heavy metal music.在蒸馏过程中,电性振动被记录在水中,制造了与重金属音乐没什么不同的几何形。

6.Birmingham, England (CNN) -- When it comes to heavy metal music, there is one UK city that can claim to be its rightful home: Birmingham.英国伯明翰(CNN)——一提到重金属音乐,英国的一座城市可以说是其名正言顺的故乡:伯明翰。

7.i would rather choose sentimental, pght, easy song rather than to pick heavy metal music.我宁愿选择感伤的歌而不是选择heavymetal音乐。

8.pstening to heavy metal music in the evenings, and the noise interrupted the sleep of other residents in the community.约翰逊先生的儿子爱在晚上听重金属音乐,响声干扰了社区其他居民的睡眠。

9.When parents pe down to psten to soft music, teenagers are turning up their heavy metal music.当父母躺下来听柔和的音乐的时候,年轻人会开大重金属音乐的音量。

10.Popce focused on Damien Echols, a black-haired Goth teenager who read vampire books and pstened to heavy-metal music.警察将注意力集中到DamienEchols身上。一个读吸血鬼书籍,听重金属音乐的黑发哥特式青年。