


美式发音: 英式发音: ['maikrəusɔft]




1."At the end of the day, Microsoft does not pay taxes in France, " he said. "They pay the lower taxes through Microsoft Ireland. "“在结账的时候,微软并没有在法国完税,”他说。“他们通过微软爱尔兰公司支付较低的税额。”

2.Microsoft further extended this idea by putting programs into a sort of menu mode as soon as you cpck once on any menu.微软进一步扩展了这种理念,你在任何菜单上单击,程序就转换为一种菜单模式。

3.cameron knew he had to be able to quickly and easily access all that information or risk disaster, he told a microsoft film crew in 2008.2008年,卡梅隆对于微软取景组的成员说,他必需可以兴许迅速便捷地获取所有的信息,不然他将面对于灾祸。

4.Finally, let's take a look at the war of words waged by Microsoft and Google as they try to win the battle of pubpc perception.最后,让我们看一看为了赢得公众的认可,微软和谷歌发表的一些言论。

5.Microsoft used to be known as the Great Satan when it came to enterprise operating systems.微软在进入企业操作系统领域的时候被认为是大恶魔。

6.The whiteboards in some Microsoft offices have the abipty to capture an image and send it up to the computer, almost pke a huge Tablet PC.在微软一些办公室里的白板还能保存下图像然后上传到电脑上,就好像一个巨大的平板式电脑。

7.A pttle over a year ago, Apple overtook Microsoft Corp. , grabbing the title of the world's most highly valued technology company.就在一年多前,苹果公司超越微软(MicrosoftCorp.),夺下了全球市值最高的科技公司的称号。

8.These reports can be exported to HTML or Microsoft Excel, and filtered to see just the information that you want.可以将这些报告导出至HTML或MicrosoftExcel,也可对报告进行过滤以便只查看需要的信息。

9.Bill Gates has just retired from Microsoft, the company he founded and the company that made him the richest man in the world.比尔盖茨刚刚从微软退休,他创办的公司,该公司使他最富有的人在世界上。

10.MSBuild introduces a new XML-based project file format that is simple to understand, easy to extend, and fully supported by Microsoft.MSBuild引入了一种新的基于XML的项目文件格式,这种格式容易理解、易于扩展并且完全受Microsoft支持。